Piccolo Instruments Insurance: Why and How Should You Get One?

Can you even think of a day without your favorite piccolo? No musician can do that. For them, their musical instruments are not mere pieces of machines or tools but an extension of their soul, their very existence. Being a musician, you can better understand this emotion. Right?

However, owing to the unpredictable nature of life, every moment is unforeseen. What if your woodwind gets misplaced or stolen while you are on the go? It is pretty much appalling to bear the pain. Most importantly, you have to shell out a whole lot of money to get a new one or even a replacement instrument. Things could make you land in rough waters if the piccolo you lost was the only instrument you have and a significant component of your livelihood.

Misfortune can knock on your doors anytime, anywhere

The situation illustrated above might be hypothetical, but such things do happen. So, unfortunately, if something like this happens with you, what would be your first move besides reporting the loss or theft? If you own a house or a vehicle, you might have already insured them. You have enough insurance cover for your health as well. Then why not insure your woodwind gear?

Just like all your other assets, Piccolo is also valuable to you. So, why not get it an instrument-specific insurance policy? It will protect you against a variety of unwanted scenarios that can leave you with no money or fame or both. All you need to do is plan ahead.

Getting an instrument-specific plan is vital

As far as the music industry is concerned, it comprises many profiles and many people from different backgrounds and professional standing. Some are musicians, while some are music teachers, some make a part of an orchestra, while some own music instrument shops. Regardless of everything, buying professional musical instrument insurance is a must-do for them. It is an important business tool that you should not ignore.

The benefits of musical instrument insurance will outdo the money spent

Music insurance owners often overlook safeguarding their musical instruments considering it to be an expensive affair. If you think alike, here is when you are making a huge mistake. Yes, you may have to invest a handsome amount buying Piccolo Insurance. However, having said that, the benefits it will bring will outdo the investment you have made.

Musical instrument insurance plans from a reputed firm can be personalized according to your specific requirements and budget preferences. Just like there are many musicians who have not insured their gears yet, there are many more who have made the same way before needed. So, you should also not delay getting your piccolo insured. Instead of living in fear and apprehensions surrounding your woodwind all the time, it is always a good idea to get it covered under an all-encompassing insurance policy.

Recognize your needs first

A reliable insurance provider will try to understand your requirements from the policy in the first place, then they will suggest the right policy as per your needs. However, in order to get it done smoothly, you will have to recognize your needs. Then only you will be able to make the right pick.

Be a careful buyer

Always remember one thing. The market is full of unscrupulous people who claim to provide you with the best. Make sure not to trust any particular entity blind-folded. It might cost you a fortune sans peace of mind.

Always do your homework, seek recommendations, read reviews before choosing a service provider for buying Piccolo Insurance. Otherwise, the consequences might lead to expensive roads for no reason. A reliable insurance company will be transparent about the pricing and other terms and conditions. Be watchful.

Bassoon Insurance: Answer to the Common Queries

The bassoon is one of the most loved musical instruments by music lovers and quite expensive too. So, do you own a bassoon and are worried about its safety owing to potential threats that may come across? Well, the best solution to put an end to all your anxieties and apprehensions is getting a Bassoon Insurance plan. It will protect your musical instruments and accessories from unforeseen situations while providing you with the ultimate peace of mind, one of the most precious things for a musician.

Are you eligible?

While planning to buy a dedicated musical insurance plan, many people think if or not they are eligible to get one. Dear reader! Whether you are a pro musician, a beginner, a hobbyist, a collector, a music teacher, or a music shop owner, with a reliable insurance company, you are likely to get a wide range of coverage. So, regardless of your professional standing, you can always buy an insurance plan designed for your musical gears.

Are your accessories covered?

Musical instruments are pretty expensive. The same stands true for the accessories and equipment associated with music. Will an insurance plan cover your accessories as well? You will be surprised to learn that a customer-friendly insurance service provider not only covers the main musical instruments but the accessories as well. It may include sheet music, stands, cases, tuners, and other inventories. So, isn’t it a good thing?

What all does an insurance policy cover?

Would you believe it if we tell you that an all-encompassing insurance plan taken out from a noted insurance provider covers just about anything and everything? Yes, you heard it right. A comprehensive musical instrument insurance plan will cover your gears against a range of situations, including fire, flood, theft, robbery, thunderstorm, among others. Not just these, you also get the following benefits:

Public liability cover

Lost income cover

Worldwide cover

Product insurance

Property insurance

Crime insurance, to name a few

Can you tailor your policy according to your needs?

It is one of the best features that you are likely to get with a reputed insurance company. When you get to customize your Bassoon Insurance according to your needs and preferences, you get to save a lot of money and time. For example, you are an amateur musician who does not need to travel across the globe at the moment. So, in this scenario, you can opt-out from the worldwide cover and save. Plus, when you work together with a good insurance provider, you can go about your plan at your own pace. However, in case of any doubt, you can feel free to get in touch with the customer support team to get your queries resolved.

These are some of the common queries that most people have when it comes to buying a standalone musical insurance plan. So, if you have been puzzled with similar questions for since long, hopefully, now you have a pretty much clear insight into such policies and why every musical instrument owner should have one. Right?

The bottom line

Now that you are familiar with instrument-specific insurance plans, probably, you will start with your search to find a reliable insurance service provider. So, before you shell out your hard-earned money on buying a plan from an insurance company, take some time to do your homework about the companies on your list. Research about a given service provider is the key to get the right coverage. So, you should be very particular about choosing a reputable insurance company. Make sure to check the license, certifications, memberships, and other credentials before tipping in cash.

Why Music Lesson Insurance is Necessary?

We know there are so many risk factors in every business and covered these risk factors insurance is the best option. But in the case of music is this possible? So, my answer is yes. Yes, you can cover your music class and instruments by insurance just like any other business. As we know business insurance is designed to protect the owner’s financial and necessary investments and it is necessary for music lessons too.

After reading this statement, you might be thinking that in which type of situations they need Music lesson insurance? So, here I am sharing some situations in which you need insurance for the Music lesson.

Situations in Which You Need Insurance for Music Lesson Business:

  • Imagine the situation in which your student and her mother enter your premises through the parking. At the time entering your office, her mother gets injured by a pothole and breaks her ankle. In this situation, she decides to take legal action against your business. So, in this case, if you have general liability insurance then it will pay for your legal protection.
  • Suppose your student walks into your room and because of the wet floor, he breaks his elbow. So, in this case, if you have general liability, then you can easily pay your student for his elbow treatment.
  • Imagine you visit your student’s home to teach music. Accidently you trip over her cat and damage his music system. So, in that case, if you have general liability insurance, you can easily bear the cost of replacing his music system.

In all the mentioned situations, if you have general liability insurance, then you can easily bare the cost of damage asset, medical treatment and legal protection. So, now you understood the importance of Insurance for Music Lesson.

So, before starting your new Music Lesson Business to increase the capabilities of musicians and give proper training to the music lover, you should take Music Lesson Insurance for you and your students. As per one research, the cost of general liability insurance is 300$ to 500$. This cost of general liability insurance is based on different factors like,

  • Location
  • Number of employees
  • General Aggregate limit
  • Deductible, and many more

Although General liability insurance is crucial and the most important types of insurance, there are other so many types of insurance for music lesson is there that you have to know.

  • Commercial Property Insurance

This Insurance includes the structural damage to your property as well as equipment, supplies, and furniture in case of natural disaster, theft, or fire.

  • Commercial Auto Insurance

This insurance covers professional liability that covers your legal fees and necessary settlement.

  • Professional Liability Insurance

This insurance policy protects your commercial vehicle, drivers, and others on the road in case of an accident.

  • Home-Based Business Insurance

This insurance policy is used when you run your music lesson business from your home and to keep safe your musical equipment.

Things that Covered Under the Insurance of Music Lesson Policy:

When you decide to acquire general liability insurance for Music Lesson, you get immediate protection for your business under the below-listed cases.

  • In case of physical damage or injury
  • 3rd party asset or property damage
  • Medical Coverage
  • In case of Error & exception
  • In case of Defense Cost

I hope you get enough details about the importance of Insurance for Music Lesson Business and why it is necessary for your music business. So, still, if you do not insure your music Business then take insurance for business and protect it from natural disaster, fire, theft, accident, and many other situations.

Tips to Purchase the Ideal Clarinet Instrument

The clarinet is a newcomer among woodwind instruments. It was invented by the Nuremberg instrument maker Johann Christoph Denner at the start of the eighteenth century. The name “clarinet” originally meant “small trumpet” (“clarino” means trumpet). The clarinet consists of five major parts that structures the instrument: the mouthpiece (A), the barrel (B), the upper joint (C), the lower joint (D), and the bell (E), in that order. Clarinets are made with a variety of different materials. However, in the modern music era not only is the music itself different from the era of classical music, but the requirements of the musicians are also different. The most used material for clarinet making, would be Grenadilla, which features a higher density than boxwood, making it easier to support with the body while performing, thereby allowing more air volume. It is the most suitable material for what musicians look for in a clarinet in this day and age.


Professional level clarinets aren’t friendly for learners. They are tough to play because they aren’t tuned to the more common Bb key, and students might easily feel discouraged. There will be a lot of trial and error while we are still learning, which can lead to chipped reeds and other learner-related damage.

Clarinets are available in several different styles and sizes of the bore (the inside dimensions of the clarinet). In general, students usually use smaller bore clarinets as they are easier for them to play in tune. Larger bore clarinets are often used by jazz players who need to bend notes and produce a big sound that projects adequately in a band setting as they are more flexible in pitch.

We should buy our reeds, it is best to shop from different brands and beginner sizes, and not an entire box of one type. This way we can test several before settling on one we find easiest to play with.

Another accessory is the important part to look at is the ligature. Without it, we cannot put the mouthpiece together.

The clarinet itself comes in five pieces – barrel, upper joint, lower joint, and bell – that we have to join before playing, and disassemble to stow the instrument away after use. With so many options available, shopping for our first clarinet can be an exhausting process. There are a lot of manufacturers who make very cheap clarinets. They are inexpensive and provide an introduction to the clarinet. But not much more. They are often a bit vulnerable to intonation problems and don’t sound as good.


Owning a musical instrument comes with great responsibilities. It also involves protecting our instrument against disaster, theft, or damage.

Clarinet insurance helps us cover the costs of a replacement instrument if ours is lost or broken, as well as any accessories (like a bore or a ligature). We must maintain at least some level of clarinet insurance to avoid the need to cancel a concert or appearance if something happens to our instrument. If we frequently travel with our instruments or ship them out to be displayed in museums, insurance becomes a necessity. Clarion Associates, Inc provides the best musical instruments insurance. Not just for clarinets but other musical instruments as well. They understand the needs of musicians and have a unique policy to satisfy their needs. They have affordable and convenient insurance plans and excellent customer service.

Purchasing a new clarinet is a big decision with many factors to consider. Brand is not as important as one might think. Once we have a solid handle on the right reeds for our instrument and technique, it’s worth our while to master care and maintenance practices so that we can keep them in good shape.