Piccolo Insurance: Musical Gear Protection While on Tour

Music is a force of life. It assists people in remaining motivated and positive throughout different phases of their lives. Music is a popular career choice for many people. You can create a successful profession out of music if you pursue it appropriately. Once you begin your career as a musician and get recognition in the entertainment industry, you will have to go on tours and perform for large audiences in different places. In times like these, you will need to bring your instruments. Musical instruments are usually expensive and require a lot of maintenance. As a result, you should use extreme caution when traveling with them. Misplacing an item is one of the most difficult challenges a musician can encounter. It is possible to lose or break your instrument by accident. As a result, you should prepare yourself for any situation in advance to ensure that you do not miss your show. Replacing an instrument is a difficult operation because of the high cost. For many people, losing musical gear can cause a major setback in their lives. As a result, you need to take a few steps to help you maintain your belongings.

Let us now take a look at what you can do to protect your musical equipment while touring:

• Buy A Case

Many artists do not have designated storage space for their musical instruments and wind up storing them wherever they can. If you are one of these people, you can easily lose or damage your equipment. The easiest way to avoid accidents is to get a case for any item you intend to travel with. There are multiple types of cases available these days, and you can pick one that best suits your needs. However, the best alternative for securing your equipment is to purchase a box with a hard exterior but q soft interior. The durable cover will protect your instrument from damage efficiently, while the soft interior will keep it free from scratch and damage.

• Buy An Insurance

If you wish to go on tour, learn about instrument insurance and how it can assist you in times of need. If you are a musician, you are well aware of costly musical instruments can be. As a result, replacing one due to an accident can be hard for various people. You can avoid this problem by purchasing insurance in advance. There are several insurance agencies accessible these days, and you can speak with them to determine the best coverage for your musical gear. Piccolo Insurance can assist you in these endeavours. If you lose or damage an item, contact the agency as soon as possible to determine whether you should purchase a new item or repair the damaged one. Every musician nowadays has an insurance plan that helps them safeguard their career effortlessly and efficiently.

• Use Locks

Another significant technique to preserve your musical instruments is to use suitable locks on your cases. Every gearbox sold nowadays includes a lock system that you can utilize to better protect your valuable items. Plus, some of them include pre-installed locks that you can open with a password. It is the most popular type of case since anybody who does not know your password will be able to get access to your instrument, no matter how hard they try. If your lock has a key, make sure you keep it safe and out of the reach of strangers. If you travel using a car, keep it locked at all times if you store instruments in it.

• Look For Safe Parking Spots

If you are a musician who needs to travel by car, make sure you choose a safe parking area. It is because your vehicle usually contains all your musical equipment, making it easy for thieves to steal them. However, if you find an appropriate parking space, you will be able to safeguard your vehicle and thus the instruments stored in it. When searching for a location, ensure it is not by the road, as that will make it effortless for outsiders to snoop through your belongings. You should also avoid parking your car on a vacant street because it can significantly increase the chances of theft.


Instrument theft is a problem that several musicians are suffering from nowadays. As a result, you must buy vehicle insurance immediately. Piccolo Insurance can assist you in doing so. They are a trustworthy insurance provider who can assist you in selecting an appropriate policy for your gear.

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