Why Do You Need to Buy Bassoon Insurance?

The member of the double reed family, the bassoon, is one of the prominently-played instruments in bands and orchestras. concerts, and other musical gigs. So, if you are a bassoon player, you already know how valuable your woodwind is. Right? No wonder it is the apple of your eyes, and you pamper it so well.

Your Bassoon Needs More Than Pampering

However, while pampering your gear is indeed crucial, you also need to make sure that you have taken enough precautionary measures to ensure its safety and security. So, how on the earth can you do that? Well, don’t worry! It is no rocket science. All you need to do is buy a decent Bassoon Insurance right away. It ensures comprehensive coverage of your gears while making sure that your mental peace is in place.

Things That Can Go Wrong

You might wonder that if you take proper care of your gears, you make sure to take them for regular repair and maintenance. You make sure to clean your gears after every single use. Not only this, but you have also bought a sturdy case for each of them. So, when you are so particular about your musical instruments, what could go wrong with them? It is one of the most frequently asked questions. And the answer is –

  • What if your bassoon is damaged otherwise?
  • What if someone torches your studio and all your gears are gone with the fire?
  • What if you are indulged in a public liability?
  • What if the shipping company misplaced the gear you have already paid for?

These situations and more like these, as you can understand, can tear your savings and livelihood apart. Only being insured can protect you financially and ensure peace of mind.

You have Home Insurance, a Fat One!

Another thing you might be wondering is about your home insurance. Many people do. They think, when they have home insurance, all their belongings, including musical instruments, are completely secured. However, the other side of the story might be telling something else.

  • Firstly, while most home insurance policies will cover your musical gears, the extent of coverage might not be adequate enough.
  • Secondly, if you play your bassoon in exchange for money or you use it professionally, your home insurance will not cover it.
  • Thirdly, the claim settlement process is most likely to be easy and quick with a musical instrument insurance provider because they are experienced in this forte.

Therefore, no matter how much money you have spent on your home insurance, it is still important to get a separate insurance policy for your bassoon. A Bassoon Insurance will not only protect your gears from the unforeseen situation, but also make sure that nothing can stop you from pursuing your musical career.

Worldwide Cover – an Added Advantage

If you are a touring artist, then musical instrument insurance from a customer-centric insurance provider will make sure that your gears are covered worldwide, regardless of where you do and perform. So, don’t you think that it is an added advantage?

Policy Customization Add More Relief

How can you forget about policy customization? When you buy an insurance plan from a reputable insurance provider, you also get the freedom to tailor your policy with features you want to include and the features you don’t want in your policy. This way, you can save a lot of time and money.

Waste No More Time

Now that you are pretty much familiar with dedicated musical instrument insurance policies and how it can come to your rescue at the right time, you should get it right now, right here.

Bassoon Insurance Vs. Home Insurance – Explained with Scenarios

Do you own musical instruments? Are you confused between specialized musical instrument insurance and home insurance? You have come to the right page. Read on to clear all your doubts!

Do you play the bassoon professionally?

A broken musical instrument can tear your heart into pieces. However, it should not necessarily break your profession, no matter what. And to ensure it, you should make sure to have enough strength to cope with the professional perils. Your home insurance is unlikely to cover the musical gears and accessories that you play for commercial interests. Some of the best ways to prevent professional tragedies such as a broken or stolen instrument are:

  • Make sure to keep your gears with yourself and use a decent case(s) to store them properly when you are not using them.
  • Try to avoid trip and fall accidents as much as possible by keeping your workspace or rehearsal studio clean and tidy.
  • Choose a standalone Bassoon Insurance that will protect the gears you use professionally and provide you with rental instrument coverage during a claim settlement process.

A specialized musical instrument insurance plan will help you close the book of professional catastrophes most seamlessly and cost-effectively.

What if you accidentally damaged your Bassoon?

As far as accidents are concerned, first of all, you cannot foretell these disasters, and secondly, sometimes accidents do happen, no matter how careful or alert you are. Although you cannot stop an accident from happening, you can definitely handle the after-effects with better clarity and the right strategies for sure.

For example, what if you accidentally spilled coffee on your mixing desk? What if your bassoon fell from your lap and got damaged. Again, your home insurance will be of no good for you. So, what can you do now?

  • It is crucial to be way more careful with what you are doing as well as your surroundings.
  • Plus, keep your bassoon and other instruments at a proper place so that minor accidents do not lead you on the road to major financial setbacks.
  • Buy an instrument-specific insurance plan and stay safe.

What if you are traveling with your bassoon and it got damaged while traveling?

Transport troubles, you know! Will your Bassoon Insurance or home insurance come up as a savior? Well, your home insurance will probably not cover you if your gear is damaged during transportation. Here are a few important things to consider:

  • Make sure to check with the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and your airline service provider about their terms and conditions.
  • If possible, try to keep your bassoon with you and make sure to pack it carefully so that the case does not open every now and then.
  • Get an instrument-specific insurance policy that will cover your gears while in transit and also offer worldwide coverage.

What if you want to keep the undamaged part of your instrument with you?

Your broken musical instrument is also valuable. However, your home insurance service provider is more likely to keep the entire instrument, even the undamaged parts. However, you can prevent instrument tragedies by following the below tips:

  • Make sure to keep your buying receipts.
  • Make sure to get your musical instruments appraised every three years.
  • Go for an insurance policy for musical instruments that allows you to keep the undamaged parts of your gears as a keepsake.

So, these are some of the most common scenarios in which a musical instrument insurance policy provides you with better coverage in comparison to your home insurance. Now that all your confusion is clear, find a reputable insurance company and insure your bassoon, right away!

Bassoon Vs. Home Insurance – Which One is the Best for Your Musical Instrument?

When it comes to double reed musical instruments, Bassoons are ruling the roost since time immemorial. The spectrum of octaves and quality they offer is something excellent. Are you a bassoon player? Where do you play? Do you play solo, or are you a part of a band? No matter what, your instrument is very much close to your heart. Right? And this is not it. You have not only poured your love towards it but also a significant amount of money for buying it. So, just like you have insured your car, don’t you think of getting a Bassoon Insurance too?

Protection of home insurance? Give it a second thought!

If you are so very confident with your home insurance that it will protect you regardless of the terms and conditions mentioned in the policy papers, you are, perhaps, not doing the right thing. As far as that overall protection of your woodwind is concerned, buying a dedicated insurance plan is the safest bet. And the most important thing, you need to get your bassoon the right covers in advance. It will ensure that your musical instrument is safe financially in every situation.

Here are the scenarios in which your home insurance policy is unlikely to cover you, but your instrument-specific cover will do. Let’s take a quick look –

Do you play your bassoon commercially?

If you play your woodwind for commercial purposes and receive monetary returns against it, there are very feeble chances that your home insurance will protect you. Usually, home insurance policies do not cover any item that is being used or will be used for commercial reasons. However, a dedicated musical instrument policy will protect you, whether you are a professional or amateur. Therefore, it is worth every penny you shell out for buying it.

Does your musical profession make you travel the world?

If you are a globe trotter and go to various places for giving your musical performances, it is quite apparent that you will take along your bassoon with you too. Right? What if you fall prey to an accident abroad in which your instrument is also damaged? What if your bassoon gets missing? What if you are not able to perform? Things can go even worse if a third-party or his or her property is lost or damaged? Your home insurance will not come as a savior in these scenarios as well. However, your instrument-specific insurance will. It will make sure that you are adequately protected, no matter what.

Do you own a music recording studio or a music shop?

If you have a music recording studio, your home insurance policy will not cover it fully, even if you run it from your home. If your music shop is located on the ground floor of the building you reside in, then also your chances of getting full coverage under your home insurance are very little. However, in both scenarios, comprehensive insurance cover is a must. So, what should you do? The answer is – buy a comprehensive and dedicated musical instrument insurance plan as soon as possible.

Act fast!

The scenarios mentioned above are probably enough to help you understand that your home insurance might not be enough when it comes to protecting your bassoon. Dear reader, yes, you will have to spend a sum on buying a protection plan. However, every penny you invest in suitable Bassoon insurance will pay for it owing to the range of benefits that your musical instrument insurance will offer.

So, get ready and find a good insurance company now! Always remember, there is no room for delay when your musical instruments and finances can be at stake. Accidents are never predictable!

Opt for Bassoon Insurance and Protect Your Instrument from Any Unfortunate Incident

The biggest instrument of the woodwind family which comes with the lowest pitch is known as bassoon. This instrument is made up using two pieces of cane that are tied jointly and the instrument makes use of double-reed. It is played in a similar manner like an oboe. It is of grave importance that you should use the instrument in a proper way when you own it so that the next generations can use it. Moreover, it is a precious one.

Opt for Bassoon Insurance and Protect Your Instrument from Any Unfortunate Incident

Musical instrument insurance is an essential one both for the students and the professional players. Likewise, Bassoon Insurance is something that must not be neglected. You should clearly understand the coverage which your chosen insurance provider is offering as a professional player and as a student. So, it is highly recommended that you must choose the insurance policy sensibly.

Significance of insurance for instrument

Insurance in recent times has gained momentum and so the musical instrument insurance among the students and pros. It gives coverage to the instrument from getting lost and damaged and offers peace of mind.  When you carry your instrument to overseas, you might face various issues. As you decide to choose Bassoon Insurance, you get complete coverage. Suppose you encounter an issue like your instrument getting damaged in transit, the insurance provider will cover the repair or replacement cost.

Advantages of choosing insurance for bassoon

Like services, commodities and other products available in market, insurance policies for musical instruments also have advantages. Let’s take a look at the advantages:

  • Peace of mind

It is one of the best advantages of getting a cover for musical instrument.  It hardly matters whether you use the insurance but can have complete peace knowing that your the much-loved instrument is protected against qualms.

  • Flawless customer service

Choosing a premium insurance provider is indeed important as always have flawless customer support. There are many things for which musicians are worried about right from any show announcement is made and with insurance there is less stress.

You are free to choose an insurance policy which you find suitable for you. The insurer that is customer-friendly does not push the customers for their benefits.

How to choose the best insurance provider?

Choosing the appropriate insurance provider is a daunting task as there are many in the market and each claiming to be the best. You must not get baffled seeing flashy advertisements and without checking the background of the insurance provider must not jump on to buy the policy which you might not find it suitable after buying.

It is highly suggested that you must choose a reputed insurance provider as they offer the best solution for their clientele. Common folks might find it difficult to choose the best insurance provider. In that case, reviews reading come to great aid for making a sound decision. So, when you buy a bassoon, make sure that you get it insured from a premium insurance company as it not only gives you peace of mind but helps you in saving a huge amount.


To save your instrument from any unpredictable incident, insurance is an utter necessity. Begin your search for the best insurance provider and get it insured at the earliest. It is no more a difficult task to get insurance done for your musical instrument as it can be done online also thus saving time. Technological development makes everything hassle-free and so the insurance is only a click away.  Secure your instrument with insurance from a prominent insurance company in no time and travel for performance without the least tension.