Why Do You Need Event Liability Insurance?

Attending any event is ecstatic and adding good memories to your life. Whether it’s a life-time event or big concerts of acclaimed artists with a huge fan-following, nonetheless the experience is exclusive! Now the flip side is when you’re the one who is organizing an event. You can easily imagine the burden on yourself till it gets over without any unwanted incident or accident. There is quite a possibility that an event can go haywire due to multiple factors which are beyond control. It could be a cancellation, postponed or any calamity that is unexpected of any humankind. But considering the pre-event expenses and the preparations a team does for any event is incalculable. And if you need to consider only the monetary part then it’s always huge, which is difficult to bear, it fails.

Event Liability Insurance

Keeping these things as priority Event liability Insurance has emerged. As the term widely considered as the safest option to get the value back or shedding all the worries related to that valuable thing, which is important in your life, event liability insurance is no different. Like, we do insurance for home, vehicles and music instruments to keep our worry at bay and managing the expenses under control if something happens to a related item. With the same concept, event Liability Insurance covers all the requirements of event producers and promoters, providing financial coverage or any loss which they have incurred due to cancellation, postponement or any unexpected accident. Since most of the events are made public, the possibility of damaging property is quite inevitable, but this event liability insurance covers that aspect very well and related benefits can be availed accordingly.

Managing events is a big responsibility and there is a lot which goes behind the stage. Not to ignore, the kind of expenses incurred are also huge. It’s not easy to suffer a loss due to someone else’s or any reason behind the failure at that moment when the event is planned. Execution is difficult and so the stress on the organizer to make it successful at any cost. And when things don’t work out as planned, the unexpected burden won’t affect your bank balance if you have the event liability insurance. Apart from that, an organizer can also get sued for any other compensation which might be out of scope or hasn’t planned. The best advantage of this insurance is that it covers you in all situations and won’t let any lawsuits drain your finances completely.

The major advantage one can have from event liability insurance is the peace of mind which might go for a toss and that amount of loss one needs to bear if the event fails. Failure can be due to any unexpected calamity which might come precedently, leaving you in the middle of crises all-over. It can even make anyone bankrupt as most of the events are high-budget and hire multiple teams for various tasks which anyway need to be paid irrespective of any other reason. In today’s time, events are a big investment and not necessary whoever is organizing these events are millionaires, who can come up quickly if they suffer loss. Big events can make you on the top and if something happens which shouldn’t be then it can also bring you huge losses. And there is no guarantee if these losses can be compensated or recovered quickly. Therefore, event liability insurance covers all your worries be it financial or mental. One can just only be involved in arranging the event and how it can be made a huge success, leaving aside all the worries!

How to Choose the Best Event Liability Insurance Company?

We have broken the barriers of gravity, have plunged in the darkest depths of the seas, landed on the moon, but couldn’t dodge the clutches of time. We’re blind to the moment next, and the least we are capable of is some preparation.

In such a state of unknown, we have only the moment we live in, all to ourselves. Think of the time you’re enjoying at your birthday party or your 25th marriage anniversary. So why let anything ruin the celebration, like a guest sustaining an injury in your event and suing you for the same?

Accidents happen. They do. But that shouldn’t take you to a state of shock with huge losses incurred, if you’re armed to counter the circumstances, beforehand.

Event liability insurance is the way out. If reality is true, chances of mishaps are true as well. It doesn’t matter the event you’re hosting. Baby shower, birthday party, marriage anniversary and ceremony, musical events like concerts, all these often give the best memories. But they also take you truly close to an unwanted occurrence that you might like to shield yourself from. For example, instances like reported damage of a property at a musical event you’re hosting can be tackled, without much anxiety if you are insured by a good music insurance company.


Event liability insurance acts in normalizing the liabilities incurred during an accident sustained in an event.

What are the Hazards of Special Events?

There can be so many happenings that could end you in liability to the venue vendor. Few of your attendees in the birthday party could end up in a brawl, injuring the bystanders. A waiter of yours in the marriage ceremony could slip the whole tray of glasses. Your DJ could drop heavy musical equipment and shatter the expensive floor, and so on. Any such things, including many others, can turn you liable to the sustainers of the accidents like the venue owner of the parties and the guests who’ve been hurt. Now you know how much important having event insurance is. Certain venues take this matter very strictly. Some of them might compulsorily require you to have suitable insurance coverage.

How to Choose the Best Event Liability Insurance Company?

Event liability insurance come in a variety of overages, depending on the provider and some venue themselves are the vendor of the suitable liability coverage. For example, if you’re hosting a musical feast at a venue, you might cross-check with the venue management for Concert Insurance, if at all they provide. After that, you can proceed with your way to get the needful done and ensure the policy covers every situation.

It is crucial to choose an experienced vendor for your event liability insurance. A good company will always keep you a step ahead at the game. They will prep you up with broader and unique requirements, alongside keeping you up with faster financial relief.

For example, if it is a music concert, and all of a sudden there is postpone or cancellation of the concert, it will end you up in huge monetary liability. With a music insurance company like Clarion Inc, you can avert the unwanted financial urgencies, thanks to their wide-ranging insurances.

Therefore, to choose the best event liability insurance, make sure you go through the nitty-gritty that will make your financial recovery smoother at the wake of liability. Coverage to body injuries on guests, lawsuits, liquor liability of the host, and venue damage liability are some of the most important aspects to look for while hunting for special event insurance.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Event Liability Insurance

Things to Consider Before Choosing Event Liability Insurance

Oftentimes, your life as an event planner goes between scheduling the events and making sure there is enough time for rehearsals. You may want to make sure there is enough time to prepare everything and also check on them last minute. Yes, you are the event planner, and chances are everything goes to the last minute, and yet you never rest.

Wouldn’t a good support from the event liability insurance secure your event and in turn give you some room to breathe? It is often overseen among other budget considerations; however, you would see that the liability insurance is a must to keep the events from being rocked down by disasters.

Here are a few things that would help you land onto the right event liability insurance for your needs

  • Where are you holding this event? Start from analyzing the place you are planning to host the event. Is it a place that is known for riots or, someplace that is pretty much known for gang wars? Is there quite a resistance to the music event you are holding in the place or, is it an upstyle corporate event? The place defines the first need of your event insurance
  • Once the place has been looked into, let’s have a look at the type of event you are hosting. A corporate event where all the typically high and flying people convene to listen to good music is slightly different from the roadshows that are held for the musicians. The preparation that goes into making of both the events is completely different and you may want to think through the needs.
  • Planning your event will take up half your time. Yes, you ought to plan well before you actually put it up for the viewers. A good musical show requires high levels of planning and a roadmap that is defined beforehand. For instance, if you are working on a corporate event, then you will need to make sure the liquor, the tables and the event list is fine tuned before the day. You might even want to theme the event, time the intervals for musical event, and have the rehearsals set for the perfect night
  • The liquor liability should be included in your event liability insurance. Yes, that is an important consideration that most people ignore. If your event does not have liquor, then you can completely ignore this aspect
  • The license for parking as well as other license considerations ought to be perfected before you move on with the event. It is always a good idea to list out all the license requirements you may possibly have, and then seek them before the event is due
  • Finally, you may want to include crowd management and damage due to riots and crowd in the event. This would help make sure the damage cost is covered by the insurance, and you don’t have to shell out the money.

Before choosing the event liability insurance, make sure you research through the various providers and compare them with your needs and budget, before you finalize the provider for your insurance.

Why events should be covered with apt event liability insurance?

eventJust like the ambulance and the fire engines staged outside the event, you would find underwriters playing a crucial role in a event. There is this whole fervour and excitement surrounding this event, and at around the same time, there are the under writers busy working on clauses that will bind the bands to perform at the event. Remember the headline, where Kanye West was sued $10Mn for cancelling the Saint Pablo tour. The insurers are yet to pay up for the same. It is these type of things that make the under writers stay up all night during the event, and make sure every possible loss is accounted for by the performing artist.

If you are organizing a event, and are thinking of getting aboard an insurance company, here are the reasons that support your decision

  • A musical event involves several artists and performers. You will need to bind them by a contract, lest they should bail out at the last minute. You should ideally avoid any type of issue that can cause losses at the event. This is why you need to invest in event liability insurance. This will make sure you have a good contract in place, so that you don’t have to face last minute cancellations.
  • Event liability insurance will make sure your stage and all the event setup is maintained, without any hassle. Let’s say you have an issue with the stage, which means added losses. The insurance company will compensate for these losses and will not really make you pay up for the same
  • When you are playing in a legally troubled area, you need to be careful. The folks can come and ruin your party anytime. Such things have happened in the past, and that’s precisely why you need insurance. It will come handy. You will be able to sue the people for the damages, and the insurance company will pay up for the losses faced.
  • In case natural calamity ruins your chances of getting the event ready, and your insurance includes the clause that they will bail you out of the losses, then you should invest in the insurance. There are calamities that can cause damage at any time, and that can be an issue
  • Crowd can be quite difficult to deal with. If your event is hindered by the crowd, the insurance will help you with the losses monetarily
  • The musicians are important to your event. what if something happens to them? This is why you need event liability insurance. It will help ensure you don’t need to compensate for the losses the musician faces. In case they fall sick during the event or, their instrument gets stolen, they are going to sue you. You can always go for the insurance cover and get things sorted

When choosing the event liability insurance, it is important you opt for it from someone who is experienced and has an understanding of customized solutions. You will be able to get suitable solutions in this case. Make sure you compare quotes based on the budget for best deals.


Importance Of Concert Insurance

Concert Insurance.jpgJust like the ambulance and the fire engines staged outside the concert, you would find underwriters playing a crucial role in a concert. There is this whole fervour and excitement surrounding this concert, and at around the same time, there are the under writers busy working on clauses that will bind the bands to perform at the concert. Remember the headline, where Kanye West was sued $10Mn for cancelling the Saint Pablo tour. The insurers are yet to pay up for the same. It is these type of things that make the under writers stay up all night during the concert, and make sure every possible loss is accounted for by the performing artist.

If you are organizing a concert, and are thinking of getting aboard an insurance company, here are the reasons that support your decision

  • A musical concert involves several artists and performers. You will need to bind them by a contract, lest they should bail out at the last minute. You should ideally avoid any type of issue that can cause losses at the event. This is why you need to invest in concert insurance. This will make sure you have a good contract in place, so that you don’t have to face last minute cancellations.
  • Concert insurance will make sure your stage and all the event setup is maintained, without any hassle. Let’s say you have an issue with the stage, which means added losses. The insurance company will compensate for these losses and will not really make you pay up for the same
  • When you are playing in a legally troubled area, you need to be careful. The folks can come and ruin your party anytime. Such things have happened in the past, and that’s precisely why you need insurance. It will come handy. You will be able to sue the people for the damages, and the insurance company will pay up for the losses faced.
  • In case natural calamity ruins your chances of getting the concert ready, and your insurance includes the clause that they will bail you out of the losses, then you should invest in the insurance. There are calamities that can cause damage at any time, and that can be an issue
  • Crowd can be quite difficult to deal with. If your concert is hindered by the crowd, the insurance will help you with the losses monetarily
  • The musicians are important to your concert. what if something happens to them? This is why you need concert insurance. It will help ensure you don’t need to compensate for the losses the musician faces. In case they fall sick during the concert or, their instrument gets stolen, they are going to sue you. You can always go for the insurance cover and get things sorted

When choosing the concert Insurance, it is important you opt for it from someone who is experienced and has an understanding of customized solutions. You will be able to get suitable solutions in this case. Make sure you compare quotes based on the budget for best deals.


Invest In Concert Insurance To Protect Your Bands During Concerts

Concert Insurance.jpg

As a performing musician, concerts are a big deal. You can earn fame for your band or as an individual from the concert. Attending concerts, being invited to some, and occasionally organizing some are very important for your music. There are many nuances involved with concerts. There are many things involved in playing at the concerts or, even organizing the concert.

Let’s chalk out all aspects of the concert as an organizer

  • You are responsible for surveying the location you would be organizing the concert at. This is the first step you want to take when organizing the concert.
  • Once the location is finalized, you might want to go with the itinerary for the concert. What all do you want to get done in your concert? If it is a musical concert, you might want to know what bands are playing in, and what all they would be performing
  • Theme for the concert will be dependent on who is playing and what they are playing at the concert. This again becomes important when you are planning the concert
  • Next in line is the permission that you might want to take before you go for the concert. There are a lot of permissions that are required to ensure the concert is running legal and fine. This is why you need to look up the concert for the licensing needs, and finalize them
  • If you are serving alcohol at the concert, you might want to get a separate license for the same. It will help you just fine
  • Finally, you will need to manage the crowd, which means you need to source the right people to manage the crowd at the concert. This will require some understanding on what kind of management a concert needs, and how you would like to attend to it

Once this is done, you might want to plan on the concert insurance. It will keep your band protected and organized in many ways.

  • The insurance will protect all the instruments that your band owns. It will ensure your instruments can get repaired without any adding to your costs. The insurance money will take care of these repair costs.
  • In fact, with the insurance, you can stay assured even when your instrument is stolen. You won’t need pay for renting out another instrument. The insurance will take care of the rental costs. In fact, it will also help you find the best places to rent the instrument from. Finally, you can even replace the instrument at the perfect value with the insurance. It will value your premium, and identify the amount that you can receive as insurance money to replace the instrument
  • It will also take care of the general expenses that accompany the concerts, as well as the travel calamities. It will even protect the band and its music.

Buying insurance can help you protect your concert’s assets. Choosing the right provider with the right kind of experience is needed though.

Why Concert Insurance Is A Must For Event Organizers?

concert Insurance.jpgAs an event organizer, there are many things that may concern you which will help make the event a success. Right from ideating the theme to planning out the right things, you will need to make sure you have everything perfectly done, before you begin executing it.

Event organizers have the tough task of ensuring every aspect of the event is thoroughly prepared for. This is specifically true for the insurance that your event requires. There are many things that pose a risk for the organizers as well as the crowd and the participants, especially in a musical event. You need to be prepared for all of this. Let’s start with what are the different aspects that you cannot ignore as an organizer, before establishing the ways to choose an apt insurance for your needs.

  • What if your event gets cancelled due to certain natural conditions that cannot be ignored? For instance, heavy rains can call off an event that is scheduled in the open. This can prove to be quite expensive for you as the organizer. Let’s just say you will need to ignore all the expenses you have made to schedule the event. This can be quite a deal. If you have the concert insurance, you won’t need to pay for these expenses. The insurance will automatically take care of it, and you will just be free with bare minimal expenses. That’s quite a relief
  • What if the musicians who are playing at your concert cannot attend owing to some reason? There have been instances where last minute political issues have resulted in musicians not attending a particular concert. This has led to immense loss of money for the organizers, as they have to repay the attendees with the money they had invested. This could be quite huge, if not for the insurance. The concert insurance will not only insure the event organizer but also the event, and protect it from such uncalled for delays
  • Crowd can go mayhem during such events, and it can be quite an impossible task ensuring they maintain their discipline. The crowd management is a major task for the organizers, which is why you need an insurance to protect your event from such crowd. In case the crowd manages to destroy the event property, the insurance will protect you and your best interests and save the money
  • If the instruments in the concert are damaged, then the insurance will protect these instruments as well. The insurance will safeguard the instruments and make sure you are paid for the damage and repair costs. The instrument insurance within the concert insurance will also assure you of timely repairs, and you won’t need to hunt for the shops that can repair, as they will provide the same
  • You can even protect the band and their compositions from getting stolen or copied during the course of the concert with this insurance. The insurance can seek legal help in such cases, and the event can stop itself from getting cancelled

It is always a good idea to buy insurance from an experienced provider as they will be able to offer apt solutions customized to your needs.

Why You Need Concert Insurance?

Concert.jpgPlanning events also means planning for the unknown, and the disasters. Right from the venue to the actual event, everything can go against what’s planned, which is why you need the event to be insured. Costing of the event insurance depends on the event liabilities you want covered, which first brings us to the need for concert insurance.

When you are throwing a concert around, you are bringing together artists, music instruments, and fans of the musicians. A single place for all of them can cause you many troubles. A general liability can include something as simple as somebody throwing a bottle on the stage to the crowd picking up fights with the security arranged to the long wait hours that the artist may hold up the event for. This liability comes at a cost, which can put a dent into your pockets. It does not happen in every concert but, why take a chance?

Breaking of instruments, stage or, even the equipment can become a cause of concern during the concert. If you have rented them all, then you would need to pay out for the damage. A simple insurance can help you cover the losses, and that’s the first reason why you need concert insurance. It will protect you against all sorts of damage.

An artist’s loss for the day becomes your loss too! In case the artist’s instrument is damaged or stolen, then the replacement costs fall on your head. They will simply say “it’s mentioned in the contract”. Living up to the costs or, the losses can become too heavy. Instead, buy concert insurance, and make sure you have these costs or losses covered. In case your artist needs medical attention, the insurance will take care of the medical needs as well.

Finally, what if the artist is unable to make it to the concert? The crowd is coming to see the particular artist, and a noshow can mean losses for your concert. You may not want to cover up for the losses, which is why you need insurance that will take care of these losses. It is not just the artist noshow that leads to cancellation but also natural disasters and certain calamities. An external parameter, which is unpredictable, can also cause cancellation of the event.

In all these cases, it is important for you as the organizer to stay prepared. Insurance will help you cater to the losses, and ensure you don’t have to pay it from your own pockets.

The ideal insurance requires a thorough planning of the inclusions and the budget. It is important to note that the budget for individual inclusion depends on certain aspects. For example, the artist’s noshow would be budgeted based on the amount charged by the artist, and the attendees coming in for the artist.

Choosing the provider would be another essential for your insurance. It is important to choose someone experienced with interesting custom solutions for concert insurance as your partner. You will benefit from this partnership immensely.

4 Reasons to Get Event Liability Insurance

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the term insurance policy? Most people think in the conventional ones and they include homeowner’s insurance, car insurance and others. Has it ever occurred to you that there could be something like event liability insurance? This is basically taken for special events to cover the expenses caused by the damages.

There are many events that attract attention, specially the concerts and car shows which are more musical in nature. When your event goes successful, it is money well-spent for you. While events can be quite expensive, not having event insurance can increase your costs. That’s precisely why you should always invest in liability insurance that can secure your event. Here we will take you through five reasons why event liability insurance is a necessity for you.

Accident Coverage

With event insurance, you are insuring your concerts or other special events against the accidents that may occur. It is this cover that can protect organizers and vendors from adding costs of damage and repairs. If you have a concert, and your performer meets with an accident while performing, the liability insurance will take care of this issue on hand. In fact, the cover also takes care of all the accident related damage that you may face when organizing a concert.

Property Damage

Imagine organizing a concert that eventually causes damage to the property owing to unforeseen circumstances. Now, that can spoil the entire show! What if you are required to pay for the damage costs? That can add trouble in paradise. One side you really wanted the concert to work, which has been cancelled owing to the damage, and on the other hand you are required to pay up for the damage. With the liability insurance, you are covered for this damage. You will need to find out the amount that you want covered for the special event you are organizing.

Insured for Liquor

You need permits to have liquor at your event. The reason being an intoxicated person can cause damage to another person attending the event or, to the property where the event is taking place. With the event insurance, you are protecting the event holders and vendors for the damage caused by liquor they will be serving. Such insurance is a must for expensive events.

Care & Custody Liability

Let’s say you are using another person’s premises for the event, and you cause damage to a large section out of carelessness. This can cost you majorly, and you will not be able to avoid paying up. If you want to prevent adding up to the cost of your event, it is a good idea to take the liability insurance that covers care and custody. So, if someone in the party happens to be careless, this insurance will take care of the costs.

If you don’t want to spend premium by taking each cover individually, you can choose a comprehensive event liability insurance that is customized to meet your needs individually. MusicinstrumentsINS.com offers a wide range of custom insurance solutions that cater to your event needs, and ensure you have complete fallback for claims.

Why You Should Avail The Event Liability Insurance for Special Events?

Event liability insurance is basically a safeguard against any casualities that may occur when conducting a special event. Haven’t you heard of special events being cancelled owing to weather conditions, attacks of any kind or, other factors which could be both man-made and natural? The losses that the event holders and the staff have to face in this situation are quite high, and there is no security against it. Imagine, buying a pass to special event, and not being able to attend it because it got cancelled. The attendees are also part of the loss. The question now arises- who will bear the loss in this case?

This is why event liability insurance is a must for all sorts of events, especially music concerts and other music related events which occur on a grand scale, and can lead to huge losses.

Events that Need Liability Insurance
It is important to understand which events require a liability insurance, before going ahead with the purchase. Weddings, corporate events, business events and some special events should get this cover even before staging the event. Sporting events, and musical events involve high valued equipment, stars and other major expenses associated with them. The stage and other aspects of the event cost real high for musical events. Such events where the value of the equipment is as high as that of the person involved, the liability insurance is a must.

When you are applying for this special insurance cover, you need to see if liquor would be served during the event, as that would be an added liability and would not be included in the already included list of liabilities. Collapse of structures, fixtures, seating issues and other such issues should be covered in the event liability insurance.

In sporting or musical event, injuries, assault and other such issues that cause personal damage should be covered by the liability insurance that you are purchasing. Make a list of all the possible damages, and get the cover that appropriately takes care of it.

Hassle-free Claims
Choosing the right insurance provider is a must for all those who are planning to buy a liability insurance for their special events. Not all insurance providers will be transparent about the claim process. If you have a multi-city tour for your musical band, and face issues while on the tour, you should be able to claim the insurance right at the moment, so that you can steer clear of the losses.

At a point when your instrument is lost or damaged, the insurance claim should be immediate so that you can get a replacement just before you kick start with your concert.

To get the best protection, you will need to get an idea of all the possible things that can happen. Of course, there are some things that are beyond your control and comprehension, which can be excluded from the policy or, should be included in others in a very subtle manner.

To get affordable event liability insurance, you can get in touch with us at Musical Instruments INS. We cater to your insurance needs by gathering your requirements and promising you the appropriate insurance.