Tips to Choose the Right Flute Insurance for Yourself

The love for musical instruments is endless. Some may like to listen to it, while others may like to learn how to play one. With diverse musical instruments available to play, if your interest has been drawn towards flute particularly, then you are at the right place.

The flute is one of the most popular musical instruments worldwide and buying one can be expensive on the budget for many. As a musician, it does not matter if you are a beginner or a professional – protecting your instrument is vital at all costs. And this can be possible by purchasing the right flute insurance.

Also, make sure that when you buy a flute for yourself, you go for the insurance of the same as well. Why so? Because it offers you multiple benefits. We’ll discuss them all, but before that find out how to choose the insurance plan.

How to Choose the Right Flute Insurance?

Buying a flute can be easier because you are a musician or have friends to guide you. However, purchasing insurance for the same can be equally opposite and challenging. This is why we have come up with pointers to assist you in choosing the right flute insurance without any hassle.

● Start with Researching

When searching for the best flute insurance, you can start by carrying out well-defined research work. To do this, you can either seek help from your friends, teachers or any close ones. Or else, you can seek assistance from the internet and online reviews. Once you find any trusted insurance provider, remember to go through their website to check about their plans and other details.

● Make a List of Clauses

Before you shortlist the flute insurance providers, it is vital that you create a list of clauses that your flute relies on.

Considering this to be a part of the insurance plan which you are about to buy. Moreover, remember to add every liability that you think you might end up facing when investing in an insurance plan.

● Compare the Policies

In the next step, note down the names of the shortlisted insurance providers and the type of services they are offering. Write down the policies they offer, the benefits, the coverage and the claim procedures they have.

Once you write them all then move on to understanding your needs. Now eliminate the ones you think are of no-good use to you.

Lastly, compare the plans of the insurance service providers you are left with and choose the one you think is the best of all.

● Ask Questions

When purchasing flute insurance, it is important to ask yourself a few questions.

For instance,

● Is your child going to take the flute to his/her school or college? Or
● Do you want to use it professionally?

Also, make sure to consider if you are purchasing it for your recording studio or if you would be taking it abroad for events.

Considering these factors would give you a sense of clarity regarding what you need in an insurance plan. Also, you should ask these questions to the insurance provider that you have chosen for yourself.

● Budget

Lastly, you should keep in mind that your budget plays a crucial role as well. Be it stepping out to buy a flute or getting insurance for one – your budget cannot be ignored.

Don’t forget to set a budget in your mind before purchasing any insurance plan so that it does not feel like a burden later on.

Pick the Best Flute Insurance Today

Musical instrument theft and accidents are very common. It is vital for you to be careful and keep yourself protected by purchasing flute insurance.

On the other hand, as there is a wide array of options available in the market, it is understandable that you may feel overwhelmed at the moment of making a decision.

This is when you can introduce yourself to Clarion Musical Instrument Insurance which is among the most renowned insurance providers.

Being in the industry for decades, they offer exclusive plans while maintaining transparency. Besides that, they offer reliable and prompt services to the customers and all their plans are available at highly competitive rates.

Understand Your Requirements and Research to Find the Best Flute Insurance

With a rich range of styles and tones, the members of the woodwind family are available in varieties of sizes and shapes. Whether you teach, learn, sell, or even collect musical instruments, it is crucial to have them covered under a suitable musical instrument insurance policy with a trustworthy insurance company. An insurance firm with more than decades of experience in this field understands the industry-specific risks you may encounter as a musical instrument owner. Therefore, they provide you with the best-suited insurance plan according to your requirements and eligibility.

Right from your gear getting damaged at a concert to breaking the leg of a viewer, specialized musical instrument insurance plans take care of the ifs and buts seamlessly.

Do you also own a woodwind musical gear?

If so, make sure to get it sheathed inside insurance protection at the earliest. It is always wise to stay prepared for the worst. As far as musical instruments are concerned, they are susceptible to a lot of things. These include – breakage, damage, loss, and theft. An ideal musical instrument insurance plan for your flute will ensure that these fears do not haunt you day and night and you can perform to the best of your abilities.

The flute is one of the most cherished woodwind gears that rules the roost with its elegant range and silvery sound. Therefore, before things go beyond your control, get your gear the protection shields of an all-encompassing Flute Insurance policy. Your insurance partner will safeguard your musical instrument from theft, damage, loss, and more such unforeseen events.

How much money do you need to invest in buying a flute insurance plan?

Yes, invest. Buying an instrument-specific musical gear insurance plan is no less than an investment towards your beloved flute. And when it comes to the cost of the policy, the premiums may vary from one scheme to another, depending on some crucial factors. It could be as low as $10/annum or as high as hundreds and thousands of dollars. Here we have listed some of the chief factors that decide the cost of your musical instrument insurance policy. Let us take a quick look at the pointers given below to know more about the determinants:

● What is the value of your woodwind musical instrument (declared)?
● Where do you store or keep it?
● How often do you use or play it?
● Do you use it for professional purposes or not?
● Which instrument do you own – the make and the model?

These are some of the most common determinants that decide the cost of a musical instrument insurance plan. However, the list is not all-encompassing. There are other trivial factors too.

Always remember, the gear you own also makes a significant portion of the cost of an insurance plan. On the one hand, insurance for the best-in-class and renowned brands of guitars and flutes may cost up to three hundred to five hundred dollars every year. Whereas, on another, if you own a piano, the insurance costs may go up to three thousand dollars. So, yes. It depends.

Some musical gears are sturdier than others. However, it does not call for cheap or low-cost policies. Therefore, choose your Flute Insurance policy wisely after calculating all the risks and possibilities.

How can you get price quotes for an insurance plan you intend to buy?

Gone are the days when you had to visit the brick-and-mortar insurance companies physically, one by one, to ask for price quotes for different insurance plans available with various insurance providers. However, the internet has changed everything. Now, you can go online, find the best companies operating in your state, and look for different policies. You can also ask for free price quotes, which is a time-saving move. Once you get the quotations from multiple insurance service providers, you can compare and choose a plan you find the most suitable to meet your insurance needs. That’s it!

What is the Difference Between an Oboe and Flute?

Both are members of the same family but have different characters and qualities. Yes, we are talking about the two cousins of the woodwind family – the oboe and the flute. These two musical instruments are vastly different in terms of material, shape, construction design, keywork, color, and tone. Their sound quality, reeds, playing positions are also significantly distinguishable.

Oboe Vs. Flute: An interesting read!

Refer to the below table to understand the differences between the two prominent members of the woodwind family – The Oboe and The Flute!

Differentiating ParametersOboeFlute
Materials   The materials used by the professionals to craft the oboe and the flute are noticeably different.Besides the metal keywork, artisans use African Blackwood, also known as grenadilla wood, to make the oboe. In rare cases, rosewood is also used for this purpose.Flutes (Western concert), on the other hand, are rarely crafted using wood. These woodwind instruments are generally made from metals, such as silver, silver-plated brass, gold (mouthpiece), etc.
Color   Based on the materials used, the oboe and the flute are different in colorsOboes are usually black with silver-toned keys.Flutes are fully silver in color. However, some of the pieces might be golden, depending on the metal they are made from.
Shape   Regardless of the materials used in constructing an oboe or a flute, their shapes make another characteristic of differentiationOboes have a conical-shaped bore. There is no head joint in the oboe. These come with reeds. The player places them into the musical instrument directly.   Oboes are basically round in shape with a flared bell.   Oboes come with more holes and keys. It comprises a minimum of 22 openingsFlutes come with a cylindrical bore. It comprises a head joint too.   The flutes are designed like straight tubes. The internal compartment of the gear looks like a cylinder. These do not have any flared bell type of structure.     The flutes usually have 16 openings.  
Playing position   Playing positions of the oboe and the flute are also different.Oboes are end-blown musical instruments.   An oboist plays the gear while keeping it perpendicular (at a right angle) to the ground.Flutes (Western Classical) are transverse. It means that these are side-blown gears.   A flutist plays their instruments while placing them parallel (same alignment) to the ground.
Sound and Range   Both flute and oboe are treble clef musical instruments and are always found in Key C. However, still they are different.The timbre of the oboe can be called singing, colorful, and nasally. The oboe is popular for having a piercing ability in an entire orchestra or ensemble. In its upper octave, the oboe produces a piercing sound, while in the lower, it sounds dark.The flute’s timbre is light, mellow, and sweet.   In the upper octave, the flute can often produce a shrill sound. However, in the lowest octave, the sound is quite full. The range of the flute can be described as three complete octaves.  
Presence of reed   These gears are also different in terms of reeds.The oboe is a double-reed woodwind musical gear. It comprises two units of cane that vibrate against each other to produce the sound. There are different kinds of oboe reeds available in the market.There is no reed in the flute. This woodwind musical instrument comes with a lip plate on the head joint. The players blow a stream of air through this lip plate to produce the sound.  

The similarities between the oboe and the flute!

So, these are some of the major differences between the oboe and flute that all aspiring woodwind instrument players should know. However, keeping all these differences aside, there are some similarities between these two gears. Being delicate and expensive are some of them. Yes, both these cousins of the woodwind family are expensive and fragile. To ensure their overall protection, buying a flute or an Oboe Insurance plan is a must.

If you are planning to consider your home insurance plan, be informed that it may not provide you with the best possible coverage at the time of need. Therefore, make sure to buy an all-encompassing Oboe Insurance to keep your woodwind musical instrument safe from all perils.

Clear Your Doubts with FAQs on Flute Insurance

Are you a degree student studying music? Are you learning to play the flute? If yes, then you should consider buying musical instrument insurance. Like many prospective insurance buyers, you might have a series of questions revolving in your mind. Right?

Therefore, we have rounded up some frequently asked questions about musical instrument insurance plans. Hopefully, these will help you clear all your doubts and assist you in choosing the most appropriate Flute Insurance plan for your woodwind.

Can a student get an insurance plan for musical instruments?

Reliable insurance companies offer a wide range of insurance products to different people with varying professional statuses, including students, musical instrument collectors, music shop owners, and top-end musicians. So, if you are a student learning how to play the flute, you can get your musical instrument insured under a comprehensive Flute Insurance policy. A dedicated music instrument insurance plan will make sure that whether you are sitting and playing your woodwind in your living room or for a live audience, it stays safe.

If you consider your home insurance for protecting your flute, you may not get complete coverage. Generally, home insurance plans do not cover accidental damages or any damage or loss occurring outside the insured premises, i.e. your home. However, an instrument-specific insurance plan covers all-risk scenarios, including theft, vandalism, robbery, flood, storm, water damage, fire damage, and public liabilities, to mention a few.

Is your flute covered internationally?

Although it entirely depends on the insurance plan you intend to buy, with a reputable and experienced service provider, you can avail of worldwide insurance coverage for your gears. So, no matter where you are traveling with your instrument, your insurance plan ensures that it remains protected. The worldwide coverage clause asserts that you get coverage against accidental damage, any damage or loss during transportation, theft, and all types of risks you get in your native place.

However, if you simply rely on your home insurance plan and travel to a foreign land, and unfortunately, if your flute is stolen or damaged there, you will not get any insurance coverage.

How can you make a claim?

If your musical instrument is damaged, lost, or stolen, it is pretty understandable that you would be disturbed and heartbroken. That is where a customer-friendly insurance partner comes into play. Making an insurance claim with a good service provider is easy and hassle-free. All you need to follow the below tips:

● If you have fallen prey to any malicious activity, such as theft or vandalism, the first thing you need to do is call the police.
● After you call the cops, you should contact your insurance provider and inform them about the incident.
● Once you call them, they will provide you with a claim reference number and tell you about the next steps.
● After the inspection, if they find enough evidence supporting your claim, they will settle the claim at the earliest.

What is public liability? Do you need public liability cover before you start playing in gigs?

Public liability cover is also known as third-party or personal liability cover. It protects you against any kind of music-related legal issue that happens to injure someone or cause damage to their property and where you are held responsible. To know more about public liability and related information, you may consult the insurance provider you intend to hire.

As far as possessing public liability cover before you start playing in concerts is concerned, many auditoriums and gig spaces are likely to require public liability cover before the former allows the latter to play. However, regardless of the requirement of the venue, you should make sure to have a comprehensive insurance plan, including public liability.

Do musical instrument insurance plans also cover musical accessories?

Although the offerings of a musical insurance plan may vary from one insurance provider to the other, an insurance company with years of experience in the market does cover musical accessories. The accessories include – stands, mics, sheet music, cables, mixing desk, and sound systems, among others. An important thing to remember here is: your home insurance plan will not cover accessories.

Whether you are a student or a top-end musician, having a standalone musical instrument insurance plan is equally essential for all.

Get Flute Insurance to Ensure All-Risk Cover

A flute worth $22,000 lost on a Chicago train ends up in a pawnshop.

A flute worth $10,000 left in a cab finally returns to its owner after 9-years.

If you look for news related to flute on the internet, these are some of the top reads you are likely to find. However, such incidents are not limited to just a couple of headlines. These are pretty prevalent all across the US. If you get lucky, you may get the chance to track your woodwind and find it. However, not everyone is that fortunate. Some people, when they lose or damage their musical instruments, not only lose their property. However, they also lose their livelihood and source of income.

Probably, you have been the prey to such a scenario, and that is what brings you here. Right? Or perhaps, you want to know how you can protect your flute from the mars of nature and staged catastrophes like theft, vandalism, and robbery, to mention a few.

A sturdy case might not offer sufficient protection.

Musical instruments are fragile, delicate, and above all, super-expensive. As you own a flute, you know it better than anyone else. Therefore, you should go the extra mile to ensure that it is safe. Getting a sturdy case, maintaining, cleaning, and getting it repaired from time to time is unquestionably crucial and much needed. However, should you go about securing your investment?

Protect your investment wisely.

Is securing your flute under specialized Flute Insurance all that you need to protect your investment? Will it ensure that your gears remain untouched if something happens that could be detrimental for them? The answer is somewhat between yes and no.

A dedicated musical instrument insurance plan may not stop an accident or physically protect your gear in case of an accident. However, it can shield your finances for sure that you might put at stake otherwise.

Specialized insurance for special belongings

If an insurance policy is all a flute player needs, why not their home insurance enough? A gear is a belonging only. Well, your car is also your belonging. Isn’t it? So, do you or can you insure your car under your home insurance plan?

The same stands for your health. Can you cover your medical needs under your household insurance? No. Right?

Then why or how can you expect comprehensive coverage for your musical instruments under your home or renter’s insurance plan?

Be aware. Stay prepared.

Owing to the increasing cases of musical instruments theft and other related crimes, every musical instrument owner should become aware of the benefits that dedicated musical instruments insurance brings along. It will help them stay prepared to face all the possible risks that are likely to affect their musical career.

What are the benefits of having a dedicated musical instrument insurance plan?

All-risk cover, worldwide protection.

If you use your flute occasionally and do not take it out of your home, you may consider your home insurance plan. However, if you are a professional or regularly participate in paid performances, you need something more than just your home insurance. The reason? Home insurance plans do not cover musical instruments if something happens to them outside the boundaries of the insured property (that’s your home).

However, with standalone Flute Insurance, no matter whether you go out of your home or state, your finances and your musical instruments are safe from all risks. Worldwide coverage is an added benefit.

Say goodbye to public liabilities woe.

If you are a performing artist, it is quite obvious that you will have lots of people around you. Right from fellow artists, crew members, and of course, the audience, you will always be surrounded by people. What if someone is injured due to you? What if the property of the concert hall or someone from the audience is damaged? Needless to mention, your home insurance policy will stay at home and not come to your rescue.

However, when you have the assurance of a dedicated woodwind insurance plan, you can leave the worries associated with public liability cases at bay.

If you are looking for all-inclusive protection for your flute, look no further than a comprehensive woodwind insurance plan. Stay aware. Save your gear and investment.

Flute Insurance: Some FAQs to Help to Make the Right Choice

Life is full of ups and downs, and of course, uncertainties. Therefore, we go the extra mile to ensure that our life, health, and belongings are risk-proof. Although sometimes, it is not possible to deter a mishap no matter how hard you try, you can still minimize the mars of the after-effects. Isn’t it?

Here is an example for you.

What if you met with an unavoidable accident affecting your health and vehicle? You may not save yourself from getting injured or suffer vehicle damage. However, with your health and auto insurance in place, you can protect your finances from the unfortunate situation and get the right care, at least. Right?

The same scenario stands true for your musical instruments. Suppose -you are a woodwind player, then you essentially need comprehensive woodwind to make your gear and finances peril(s)-safe, regardless of your professional status.

Right now, your mind is flooded with so many questions about specialized musical insurance policies. It is quite understandable. When you decide to buy a policy, it is crucial to know about the ins and outs of the same.

No issues, here we have some frequently asked questions for you. Hopefully, these will help you meet your queries. Let’s read on!

1. Which musical gears belong to the woodwind category?

The instruments that are members of the woodwind family include the following:

● Flute
● Piccolo
● Oboe
● Clarinet
● Bassoon
● Contrabassoon
● English horn
● Saxophone

So, if you are a flute player or you simply own a flute, getting dedicated Flute Insurance should be your priority.

2. What is public liability insurance, and how can it be related to your musical instruments?

Public liability insurance is also known as third-party insurance. It covers you against any legal liability (where you are held responsible) associated with your musical instruments or music organization, resulting in physical injury or property damage to someone else.

For example – it would be a legal liability related to your musical instruments, if

● You own a musical instrument dealership, and a customer gets injured on the premises of your shop.
● You are a flute player, and someone from the audience gets injured due to mismanagement at your concert.

Here a comprehensive musical instrument insurance policy will come in handy to protect you from all the financial consequences following such a scenario.

3. Can you add others under your musical instrument insurance policy?

When you are covering your musical instrument, say, your flute, your Flute Insurance would be in your name or only one person’s name. It means there would be only one policyholder to whom the clauses would be addressed. Although it is a standard, it would be wise to contact your insurance provider beforehand.

4. What if you suffer a loss of income scenario post an accident related to your musical instruments? Will your insurance cover you?

Although coverage against loss of income may vary from one service provider to the other, with a customer-centric insurance service provider you are likely to get this cover. If you need this cover, make sure to confirm with your insurance provider.

5. Is your home insurance plan not enough to cover your gear?

Although your home insurance policy will cover your gears, there would be one or more limitations. These limitations would not ensure complete coverage under all situations. Therefore, industry experts opine that you should buy dedicated insurance cover for your musical instruments. Or else, your gears might remain uncovered at the time of need.

Final words

These are some of the most common questions that people have about musical instrument insurance policies. Hopefully, these FAQs will help you make the right choice (for musical instruments) between your home insurance and dedicated insurance plan for musical instruments.

Why Choose Insurance Company for Flute Instrument?

Why choose a specialist insurer when your home insurance plan already covers your flute? It is one of the most commonly asked questions, and people ask this for obvious reasons. First of all, they are mostly unaware of the pros and cons of home insurance in light of musical instruments. Secondly, they are happy with their home insurance policy.

Probably, you too have similar questions in your mind. No worries! Going through this content will help you through the queries and help you choose a reliable Flute Insurance provider.

Picture this!

Danny owns a home insurance policy and also a musical instrument. So, he decided to include his gear under his home insurance and bought an add-on.

Everything was going fine. And, he was enjoying playing the woodwind and enticing his friends and family with his newly-learned art. However, one fine day, when he was looking forward to a local music gig where he will be performing as the lead flutist, an accident happened.

While going to the concert venue for final rehearsals, Danny met with an accident. Fortunately, he escaped it safely. However, unfortunately, his gear could not make it to the venue because it got damaged due to the impact.

A reply that broke Danny from within

Danny immediately gave a call to the home insurance provider to report the accident. However, what they told shook him from inside. The agent told him, “as your flute was damaged in a road accident that does not come under the boundaries of the insured property (your home), we are sorry but we cannot cover this accident. Plus, you were using your flute for commercial purposes. Your home insurance will not cover any professional use.”

He was taken aback by the response of the insurance provider’s representative and felt like nothing to do and nowhere to go, and everything in between!

Dear Reader, the above situation, although hypothetical, can become a real one at any point in time. And if you like Danny and have not purchased dedicated Flute Insurance from a reputed musical instrument insurance provider yet, a similar or even worse scenario might ruin your musical career.

An insurance provider who specifically deals in insuring musical instruments makes the best choice when buying insurance for your woodwind. Here are some of the main reasons:

Easy claim settlement with no room for delay

A musical instrument insurance service provider understands your feelings about your musical gear. They know your flute is the most valuable thing for you and how much you love it. So, in case of a claim, they will make sure that you get the best possible compensation and at the earliest. However, you are less likely to get this level of coverage with your home or renter insurance plan.

All risks cover under one plan

A musical instrument insurance provider covers your gear against all possible risks, including fire, flood, earthquake, thunderstorm, rain, theft, to name some, so that you can rest assured and focus on music. However, your homeowner is less likely to provide comprehensive coverage against all this.

Accidental damage cover

Your specialized flute protection plan from a music insurance company will ensure that you get cover for accidental damages to your flute. However, your home insurance policy is least likely to compensate for any accidental damage. So, it is better to choose comprehensive coverage over an incomplete one.

Worldwide cover

It is one of the best parts of a musical instrument insurance plan because it covers you worldwide. So, no matter where on the planet you are, you know that your musical gears are safe and protected.

Are you ready to get your copy now?

Top 4 Reasons Why Flute Insurance is Critical

When you hear Flute Insurance, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it – I do not need it? I have enough home insurance coverage, or I take more than enough care of my gear. So, no mishap can touch it?

Perhaps, you do not think alike. That is why you are here. For those who believe that their home insurance or renter insurance policy will cover their musical instruments, it is time to reconsider your viewpoint.

Dear musical instrument owner, your home insurance plan is designed for protecting your property and its belongings. In this context, yes, it will cover your woodwinds or strings. You may also get an additional rider to increase the extent of coverage. However, that might not be enough for all. Going through this piece of content will help you understand why even the most expensive home insurance policy falls short when it comes to comprehensive musical instrument coverage.

Reasons why home insurance plan is not enough for your Flute

Reason No 1: Home insurance cover offers limited coverage

Although your home insurance plan will cover your musical instruments as a part of your belongings, it is less likely to offer full-risk coverage. However, if you buy an instrument-specific insurance plan from a reputable insurance provider, you are most likely to enjoy full-risk coverage benefits. Here full-risk cover means protection against almost every adverse situation, except a few like intentional damages, government confiscation, etc.

Reason No 2: Home insurance is unlikely to cover instruments used for commercial purposes

If you are a professional musician, beware! Home insurance policies (regardless of where you have taken it from) do not cover musical gears used for commercial purposes. No matter even if you have played professionally for 1 hour in exchange for only $100, your instrument will not be covered by your home insurance plan. So, if any accident happens, you will not get compensated by your insurance provider. However, Flute Insurance will cover the gear that you use for commercial purposes.

Reason No 3: Home insurance policy will not cover your gear worldwide

Your home insurance plan will not cover your musical instruments outside your home. So, if your flute gets damaged or stolen from a recording studio, for example, your home insurance plan would be of no use. However, if you have purchased a musical instrument insurance plan, your gears will be protected not only outside your home but no matter where you are in the world. Worldwide coverage is an added advantage of specialized musical instrument insurance.

Reason No 4: Home insurance policy will not cover the accessories

Musical instruments are crucial and expensive. So are the related accessories. Any loss or damage to the accessories can also create problems for you. With a home insurance plan, you are least likely to get protection for the accessories. So, in case of any loss or damage to the accessories, you remain unprotected. However, with a standalone musical instrument cover, your accessories are also protected.

Required documentations

These are some of the most evident reasons why you need a dedicated insurance plan for your musical instruments. If you need more information on musical instrument insurance plans available in your state, you can get in touch with a reliable insurance company. However, before buying a plan, make sure to check the following things to ensure that the service provider you intend to choose is worth it:

● A valid license
● Relevant certifications and credentials
● Memberships with relevant bodies
● Positive customer reviews
● Price quote

When a service provider has or offers all these things without hesitation or proactively, you can choose them easily.

Flute Instrument Insurance and Its Coverages

Musical instruments are integral to a musician’s life and living. Hence, they go the extra mile to make sure that their musical gears and concerning accessories stay safe and protected. So, what kind of instrument do you play? If it is a flute, then you have come to the right page. Regardless of the years of professional experience and standing, every flute owner should have a dedicated insurance plan for his/her instrument in place. It ensures the complete safety of the gear against unexpected situations.

Still, relying on your home insurance?

Like many other musical instrument owners, if you consider your home insurance plan to be your savior in the tough times, you might be making a mistake. Yes, you heard it right. So, before we move on to what coverage options you are likely to get with a standalone Flute Insurance, let’s find out how and when your home insurance does not come in handy.

● Most home insurance plans are likely to have a limited extent of coverage for musical instruments with a number of ifs and but in the listicle. However, an instrument-specific plan covers it all.

● When it comes to responding to an insurance claim, most home insurance plans will not show up or reply to your claim if you have been using your gear commercially. In such cases, they consider it as a professional or business use. So, if something happens to your flute during a paid performance, your home insurance is least likely to pay. However, Flute Insurance, with a reliable musical instrument insurance company, covers both casual, as well as, professional use.

Although many other reasons tell that only your home insurance is not enough to offer comprehensive coverage to your flute, the above-mentioned pointers say it all. Isn’t it?

Coverage options you get with a dedicated Flute Insurance

Now that you are aware of the limitations of your home insurance plan, let us have a look at the coverage options you are likely to get with a reputable and customer-oriented musical insurance instrument provider.

● An instrument-specific insurance plan offers complete coverage to your flute, no matter whether you use it for professional or personal use. And, it is available at no extra expense.

● You are most likely to get all-risk cover options when you choose a trustworthy insurance company.

● Irrespective of where you are on the earth, your flute protection plan will continue to cover your gears. Yes, we are talking about worldwide coverage. It is especially a good thing for touring artists.

● An added advantage of buying a dedicated insurance plan from a good insurance company is – you can tailor your policy according to your needs and budget. So you do not have to pay for a cover or a clause that you do not need.

What types of coverage are you likely to get with a dedicated insurance plan?

The types and extent of coverage might vary from one insurer to the other. However, the standard coverage you are likely to get might include the following:

All-peril cover: It means that your gears are protected against all risks. It includes – flood, earthquake, thunderstorm, rain, theft, vandalism, robbery, and accidental damages.

Public liability cover: It is one of the most important coverage options that all musicians and musical instrument holder’s must-have. As the name suggests, it protects you against public liabilities. And needless to mention, such liabilities associated with your professional can be very expensive and mentally draining.

These are two of the most critical coverage options you get with an all-encompassing insurance policy. So, do not wait anymore and get the best insurance protection plan for your musical instruments.