Musical Instruments Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a musician, a professional one? Do you have a specialized cover for your musical instrument? If yes, then you are wise enough. And, if not, you may need to give it a second thought. The reason? Having a dedicated musical gear insurance policy can save your skin when you need it the most.

Can an insurance plan prevent an accident?

Many people opine – if specialized insurance cannot save your musical gear, what is the point in having one? You can always stick to your home insurance policy for protection.

Dear reader! Indeed, an instrument insurance plan cannot stop an accident or prevent emergencies involving your musical instruments. However, it can save your finances. It can support you to get out of the mess and get a new musical instrument or work out an alternative solution.

Are you confused or curious to know more about instrument insurance? No problem. We have curated some of the most commonly asked questions about the same.

Hopefully, these will help you understand the musical instruments insurance policy in a proper way. So, let us get started!

Standard home insurance and dedicated instrument insurance. What is the difference?

If you play your gear professionally, an insurance policy designed for musical instruments will cover your gears. However, your standard home insurance policy will not. The former also protects you against damage and loss and will pay for repairs and replacement. Also, the deductibles of a specialized insurance plan are lower than home insurance. So, there lies the difference. But, these are not the only differences.

Specialized insurance policies cover damage and repair. Is it true?

Well, that entirely depends on the policy you have selected. However, your broken musical instrument will be sent for repair, and an estimate after evaluation will be sent to your insurance provider. So, what is a big deal in it? The big deal is – if your woodwind, string, brass, or any other gear suffers a value loss as a result of the damage and the process of repairing, your insurance provider is likely to reimburse for the diminished value.

Are musical instrument insurance policies affordable?

Considering the level of protection these policies offer, these make value for money deals for sure, provided you choose the right insurance provider. However, it is always wise to check with your insurance provider when it comes to premiums and other charges.

You made a claim. What next?

Once you file a claim and submit all the necessary details, your insurance provider may ask you to produce an appraisal (if repair is done). You can expect the payment by the time your musical instrument is repaired. In case of theft and total loss, you are likely to get compensated quickly.

Are appraisals crucial?

If you own vintage gears and high-value instruments, getting an appraisal is important. These pieces are not only valuable but eternal and priceless.

Your gears need extra protection.

So, now that you know about some of the vital aspects of musical instruments insurance, when are you planning to get one? Always remember, a stroke of misfortune can hit you at any point in time. Therefore, planning ahead of time is necessary. Or else, the consequences can shake you from within.

You will find many home insurance providers claiming to provide comprehensive coverage to your gear. However, if you play professionally, make sure to get individualized cover for your gears. The reason? Your home insurance plan may disappoint you when you need it.

Home insurance plans are incredible. However, as far as musical instruments are concerned, they might not be enough, and you need something more.

How Insurance Helps Music Instruments Retailers

How Insurance Helps Music Instruments Retailers

Retailers selling instruments are known to possess the maximum risk. They have to handle maximum assets, and they can’t even complain. A single damage to any one of the instruments, and that won’t even sell. That’s the hardship of being a retailer. But, with the right insurance the retailers can actually enjoy their business, and earn more profits and be ready for the losses.

The idea is to secure their assets and keep them in a bullet proof container known as the insurance. How insurance helps? Well, right from maintenance to keeping the assets in close scrutiny, the insurance does it all for you. They even cater to your basic needs such as small repairs to actual prevention of losses when the instrument is stolen from you. Here we will take a look at how to look for insurance for retailers, and what all to search for in it.

  • Does it have a general coverage? This is the first thing that you probably want to get covered. You have rented out a premise, and god forbid if something happens to the premise you are liable, and you won’t want to pay out the money demanded. The best way to tackle the situation is by going for insurance. That will help you cover the damage expenses for the premise, and you won’t face the losses
  • Do you have accident coverage? What if you or someone at your store meets with an accident? Does the insurance cover it? Medical expenses can be quite hefty, and you don’t want to spend that dime. Get insured, and you will have the company settling your bills, while you can concentrate on nursing the loved ones
  • What if the instrument gets damaged? You may have to pay for the damage expenses. Are you ready for that? In case of retailers, you are not dealing with a single instrument but multiples of them, which is why the expense will be a hefty amount. The best way to tackle it is by holding up an insurance, and getting the damage costs repaid so that you are not really paying it
  • If your instrument is stolen, you might need to recover the costs or get one in place of that. That can add up to the costs as well. Instead of increasing the cost, you can always use the insurance to pay for the stolen instrument, and get one replaced. They will make sure you have one at the same cost before you know it
  • Maintaining so many instruments can be difficult which is why the insurance offers help with maintenance. You can easily have someone look after the instruments, keep them clean, sort their damages, and you are free of the costs even
  • When selling the instrument, if you happen to sell a damaged piece, you might have to face the consequences. The instrument insurance helps you there too. If you sell a damaged piece, you don’t have to pay for the losses, instead the insurance will. In case someone files a lawsuit against you for the same, the insurance will save you

Get the insurance for retailers to minimize losses and enjoy a calm life