Know to Protect Your Musical Instrument at Home and More

Your search to know how to protect your musical instrument at home and more ends here. Many musicians do not spend much time protecting their instruments than playing them. They love their instruments but do not care much about taking musical instruments insurance separately. If you are among them, you need to take the right insurance and ways to protect your music instrument.

Music instruments are expensive, and they need proper care and protection to maintain their value and avoid theft. You may not be a musician to have expensive pianos, violins, and guitars, but one is interested in playing them. Still, you need to take insurance and keep it safe in the house while carrying it outdoors. It is because of not losing it to thieves who, without knowing the value of the musical instrument, sell it to make fast money.

Without protecting the music instruments appropriately at home or outside, you cannot blame the police and others. Many do not know the value of old musical instruments that increase in value and claims with age. Hence, they do not take the theft or damage to such musical instruments seriously. So, check out the following ways to protect musical instruments from being safe at home and outside.

8 Ways to protect musical instruments at home and outdoors

  1. Increase security at home

Though many thieves do not know the value of the musical instruments, a few know it will make a perfect plan to steal. Hence it would help increase the security at home to protect the musical instrument. Having an alarm system, CCTV cameras, and other security arrangements will help. Also, lock all windows at home at night to prevent intruders from stealing the music instrument.

  1. Insure the music instrument exclusively

Do not get satisfied with the home insurance as it will get only a low-value claim amount for the stolen music instruments. Having customized musical instrument insurance will help you get an appraisal for your insurance claim.

  1. Clean the music instrument

Too much cleaning and less of it both will affect the value of the musical instrument. Though the value of a musical instrument increases, it only depends on its condition. Hence knowing the right way to clean the instrument and at the right time will help increase the claim amount to get in case of losing it or resale value.

  1. Control humidity at home

As various music instruments require different humidity levels, it is essential to maintain the correct humidity levels at home. Woodwind and metal wind instruments need a stable and low-humidity environment, and string instruments need high humidity during winter.

  1. Store the instrument in case

When not using the instrument, it is best to have it in a safe place, free from dust and other harmful elements. For many music instruments, it is best to store them in their cases when not in use. It keeps the instrument clean and avoids theft without knowing its actual value.

  1. Keep away from high temperature

It is advisable to keep the music instruments away from the air conditioners, heaters, and other temperature extremes as woodwind and string instruments are sensitive. And do not lean any musical instrument away from radiators because of the excess heat.

  1. Check them regularly

If not using the music instruments frequently and storing them in a safe place, you need to check them periodically. It helps to know of any damage because of uncontrolled humidity, temperature, severe weather conditions, natural disasters, and others to keep them safe.

  1. Essential to file a police complaint

If in adverse conditions of losing a musical instrument to thieves, it is essential to file a police complaint immediately. Also, it is essential to flag the issue on social media for more people to know about it. And to let the music instrument repairers, pawnshops, and local dealers know about the theft will help thieves exchange it for money.


Clarion Associates. Inc is the best music instrument insurance company to get high appraisals for your musical instruments for customized insurance and high claim amounts.

Why Do You Need to Buy Bassoon Insurance?

The member of the double reed family, the bassoon, is one of the prominently-played instruments in bands and orchestras. concerts, and other musical gigs. So, if you are a bassoon player, you already know how valuable your woodwind is. Right? No wonder it is the apple of your eyes, and you pamper it so well.

Your Bassoon Needs More Than Pampering

However, while pampering your gear is indeed crucial, you also need to make sure that you have taken enough precautionary measures to ensure its safety and security. So, how on the earth can you do that? Well, don’t worry! It is no rocket science. All you need to do is buy a decent Bassoon Insurance right away. It ensures comprehensive coverage of your gears while making sure that your mental peace is in place.

Things That Can Go Wrong

You might wonder that if you take proper care of your gears, you make sure to take them for regular repair and maintenance. You make sure to clean your gears after every single use. Not only this, but you have also bought a sturdy case for each of them. So, when you are so particular about your musical instruments, what could go wrong with them? It is one of the most frequently asked questions. And the answer is –

  • What if your bassoon is damaged otherwise?
  • What if someone torches your studio and all your gears are gone with the fire?
  • What if you are indulged in a public liability?
  • What if the shipping company misplaced the gear you have already paid for?

These situations and more like these, as you can understand, can tear your savings and livelihood apart. Only being insured can protect you financially and ensure peace of mind.

You have Home Insurance, a Fat One!

Another thing you might be wondering is about your home insurance. Many people do. They think, when they have home insurance, all their belongings, including musical instruments, are completely secured. However, the other side of the story might be telling something else.

  • Firstly, while most home insurance policies will cover your musical gears, the extent of coverage might not be adequate enough.
  • Secondly, if you play your bassoon in exchange for money or you use it professionally, your home insurance will not cover it.
  • Thirdly, the claim settlement process is most likely to be easy and quick with a musical instrument insurance provider because they are experienced in this forte.

Therefore, no matter how much money you have spent on your home insurance, it is still important to get a separate insurance policy for your bassoon. A Bassoon Insurance will not only protect your gears from the unforeseen situation, but also make sure that nothing can stop you from pursuing your musical career.

Worldwide Cover – an Added Advantage

If you are a touring artist, then musical instrument insurance from a customer-centric insurance provider will make sure that your gears are covered worldwide, regardless of where you do and perform. So, don’t you think that it is an added advantage?

Policy Customization Add More Relief

How can you forget about policy customization? When you buy an insurance plan from a reputable insurance provider, you also get the freedom to tailor your policy with features you want to include and the features you don’t want in your policy. This way, you can save a lot of time and money.

Waste No More Time

Now that you are pretty much familiar with dedicated musical instrument insurance policies and how it can come to your rescue at the right time, you should get it right now, right here.

Music Lesson Insurance – Learn Why It’s Imperative for Music Teachers

Picture this – You regularly take music classes. So, one day, while you were in the middle of a music lesson, a chair in your facility suddenly broke, and a student fell on his back. He not only damaged the musical instrument that he was playing but also got an injury in his head as a result of hitting the floor backward.

However, this wasn’t bad enough as there was more to come. And it came! The family of that student held you liable for the accident and filed a lawsuit against you. And, you were left with the burden of financial compensation.

Imaginations, sometimes, do come alive!

Dear reader, the above situation might be hypothetical. However, accidents like such happen, lawsuits are filed, and monetary compensations are asked in real. And, if you do not have sufficient insurance coverage, you are likely to land in financial as well as legal rough waters.

Now, you might be wondering what insurance! You already have your home insurance in place, and it covers your musical instruments. So, what more do you need? Home insurance and all is fine. However, if you are a music teacher, you are responsible for certain things. It includes your profession and the safety and security of your students and their musical instruments. And, a dedicated Music Lesson Insurance ensures protection for all of these and even more. Sad but true, your home insurance policy also has its limitations.

Which type of insurance do you need?

Well, there are different types of music insurance policies that a music teacher may need. It includes the following –

Public or third-party liability cover – This cover will protect you against a third-party loss or damage (similar to the imaginary situation described in the starting).

Personal accident cover – This cover will protect you against loss of income in case you met with an accident that happened in an insured event.

Musical instruments and equipment cover – With so many students taking your classes, some might be handling your musical gears. In such scenarios, mishaps are sometimes inevitable. This cover will ensure that your musical instruments stay safe.

Is the cover limited to your place or music facility only?

What if you conduct your music classes at a student’s place, and a case of public liability happens there. Will your Music Lesson Insurance cover you? Well, this cover might vary from one service provider to the other. However, most reputed and customer-centric insurance providers do provide this cover. So, you can check this clause with your insurance service provider beforehand.

Choose the right insurance provider to make the difference!

One of the most important things is – to choose the right service provider to get the right services at your disposal when you need them the most. Also, when it comes to choosing an insurance policy from a pool of products, things can become very confusing.

However, if you choose a good insurance provider, they will help you choose the right policy. They will make sure that the details of the products are easy to understand. 

After going through all the details, if you are stuck somewhere, all you need is to call them. They will not only help you understand the technical jargon but also make the policy easy to buy as well as manage.

Make sure to choose an insurance provider that is recognized by respected authorities, including musical institutions, universities, and schools. These recognitions are the benchmark of quality and trust.

Experienced insurance providers know that one size does not fit all. So, they do not believe in the cookie-cutter technique. Therefore, they allow their customers to customize their policies according to their needs.

Musical Instruments Insurance Tips to Make an Informed Choice

For someone who dwells in music, losing an instrument is the biggest nightmare. Besides the emotional ordeal, the cost of buying new gear or even getting a replacement can derail your finances. However, there is one thing that can get everything in place in an unfortunate event of loss or damage to your musical instruments. Yes, that’s Musical Instruments Insurance.

So, if you are a professional musician and you still don’t have an instrument-specific insurance cover, you need immediate action. Misfortune never gives prior information, nor do you call it, after all. Although you cannot get your instrument back in case it is damaged beyond repair, lost, or stolen, you can at least save your skin from the financial distress.

Are you curious about the entire scenario, right from choosing the cover you want to find the right insurance service provider?  Don’t worry! To put an end to all your confusion, here you have some commonly asked questions about insurance plans designed for musical instruments. Hopefully, these will help you make your buying decision more informed.

Why do you need a musical instrument cover?

Covering your musical instrument under a dedicated insurance policy is crucial because it will save you when you are all caught up with a super-expensive bill. Sometimes, it does not matter how watchful you are with your gears because accidents are unforeseen and inevitable. For example – can you foresee your guitar being stolen or damaged? So, it would be smart if you do not leave anything to luck and chance and get your musical instrument covered. A comprehensive musical instrument will ensure that you are safe no matter how big the financial peril is.

What will you call an ideal policy? What should be covered?

Well, different people, different needs. So are the insurance policies – flexible and customizable. However, a standard musical instrument policy will ensure that your instrument is covered in cases of theft, accidental damage, loss, and fire damage. Also, if you opt for worldwide cover and public liability, you will be more secured and ready for the uncertainties. So, understand your requirements from the policy and talk to your service provider before choosing anything at random.

What will an instrument-specific policy cover but your home insurance will not?

If you play commercially, regardless of the time and monetary benefits, your home insurance will not cover your gears. However, your musical instrument policy will. Dedicated musical instrument insurance will also provide coverage to repair and damage scenarios and is most likely to compensate you for the replacement value. This is not all. There are many more differences between home insurance and a standalone insurance plan for your gear.

Is an appraisal a must for your musical instruments?

Well, if you own a vintage instrument or the price of your gear is very high, or you have inherited one, yes, appraisals are necessary. However, if you have got the photographs, serial numbers, and other documents in place, you might not need an appraisal. Make sure to confirm it or not you need one with your service provider beforehand.

What about public liability insurance? Do you need it?

This cover will come forward as a big-time savior if anyone else or their property has suffered loss or damage because of you and your gear. If you do not have this cover, then you will have to pay out of pocket if the third-party is injured or his or her property has been damaged. Medical bills and lawsuits are pretty expensive, by the way.

What if your musical insurance goes missing from your car or while in transit?

An insurance policy dedicated to musical instruments is likely to cover all the possible situations that can disrupt your career by stopping you from performing. For more details, you can get in touch with your insurance provider.

So, get yourself a Musical Instruments Insurance and take a deep sigh of relief.

Musical Equipment Insurance: Achieve More Than What You Have Expected

Music and entertainment fraternity has witnessed a remarkable amount of transformation since past few decades; and this sector is observing a large influx of professionals entering, in order to make their presence felt. Be it a young, enthusiastic drum player or a mature acoustic guitar player of reputed music association, each and every associate of the industry has to encounter a variety of risks, while performing on the stage, giving classes at tutorials or even while rehearsing in the music studio.

Most of the times, the professionals of this industry are not certain about the secured options regarding coverage of their instruments or gears and even about the safety of their business. For few of the musicians, taking classes for piano to young and budding learners during weekdays can be the only source of income for their family; and for such cases, it is quite vital for them to acquire an insurance plan, so that they can secure their venture from all sorts of damages, despite being small in nature.

For the music professionals whether amateur or veteran, music is life; and they duly understand the worth of it besides value the purity of this trait. These experts are quite fanatical about music and the entire range of instruments and equipments connected to it. For musicians, their Entire range of instruments and equipments are their heart and soul; and not just a piece of string or metal. These musical gears have a potential of composing melodious music that creates a tranquil atmosphere and is soothing to the ears. Melodious instruments as flute, mouth organ, saxophone, drums and many others are not only precious and valuable for these musicians, but are quite expensive and pricey. The magnitude of these musical gears can only be well understood by the professionals allied to this fraternity.

Almost all set of instrumentalists are constantly apprehensive about the security and safety of their musical belongings, as they are quite delicate and fragile. In case some damage occurs, due to lack of maintenance or mishandling can leave behind an emotional scar that is unable to be worked upon. After all, these musical gears play an important in composing inspiring music; and this is the reason these musicians acquire flute insurance, Cello Insurance, mouth organ Insurance and so on and be at peace of mind. Apart from peace of mind through this, these musicians keep their precious belongings safe and secure.

This is where; established insurance vendors enter the scene. Established insurance firms which solely cater the requirements of music fraternity have ability to offer enhanced Musical Equipment Insurance plans to these professionals who are continuously travelling across the world, for performances, rehearsals and other activities associated with this fraternity. Through such type of insurance plans, you can not only secure your precious belongings from theft, damage or loss, but a variety of other happenings that can ruin your professional career.

Established counters work 24×7, giving an ease to the music professionals to work according to their convenience.