Why Do You Need to Buy Bassoon Insurance?

The member of the double reed family, the bassoon, is one of the prominently-played instruments in bands and orchestras. concerts, and other musical gigs. So, if you are a bassoon player, you already know how valuable your woodwind is. Right? No wonder it is the apple of your eyes, and you pamper it so well.

Your Bassoon Needs More Than Pampering

However, while pampering your gear is indeed crucial, you also need to make sure that you have taken enough precautionary measures to ensure its safety and security. So, how on the earth can you do that? Well, don’t worry! It is no rocket science. All you need to do is buy a decent Bassoon Insurance right away. It ensures comprehensive coverage of your gears while making sure that your mental peace is in place.

Things That Can Go Wrong

You might wonder that if you take proper care of your gears, you make sure to take them for regular repair and maintenance. You make sure to clean your gears after every single use. Not only this, but you have also bought a sturdy case for each of them. So, when you are so particular about your musical instruments, what could go wrong with them? It is one of the most frequently asked questions. And the answer is –

  • What if your bassoon is damaged otherwise?
  • What if someone torches your studio and all your gears are gone with the fire?
  • What if you are indulged in a public liability?
  • What if the shipping company misplaced the gear you have already paid for?

These situations and more like these, as you can understand, can tear your savings and livelihood apart. Only being insured can protect you financially and ensure peace of mind.

You have Home Insurance, a Fat One!

Another thing you might be wondering is about your home insurance. Many people do. They think, when they have home insurance, all their belongings, including musical instruments, are completely secured. However, the other side of the story might be telling something else.

  • Firstly, while most home insurance policies will cover your musical gears, the extent of coverage might not be adequate enough.
  • Secondly, if you play your bassoon in exchange for money or you use it professionally, your home insurance will not cover it.
  • Thirdly, the claim settlement process is most likely to be easy and quick with a musical instrument insurance provider because they are experienced in this forte.

Therefore, no matter how much money you have spent on your home insurance, it is still important to get a separate insurance policy for your bassoon. A Bassoon Insurance will not only protect your gears from the unforeseen situation, but also make sure that nothing can stop you from pursuing your musical career.

Worldwide Cover – an Added Advantage

If you are a touring artist, then musical instrument insurance from a customer-centric insurance provider will make sure that your gears are covered worldwide, regardless of where you do and perform. So, don’t you think that it is an added advantage?

Policy Customization Add More Relief

How can you forget about policy customization? When you buy an insurance plan from a reputable insurance provider, you also get the freedom to tailor your policy with features you want to include and the features you don’t want in your policy. This way, you can save a lot of time and money.

Waste No More Time

Now that you are pretty much familiar with dedicated musical instrument insurance policies and how it can come to your rescue at the right time, you should get it right now, right here.

7 Reasons Why the Clarinet is the Best Instrument to Learn

Woodwind instruments always enticed you, and you always wanted to play them. And, finally, that moment has arrived, where you earnestly want to try your hand (mouth as well) in it. So, which woodwind have you chosen? After doing a lot of research, you zeroed in on the clarinet because you found that most aspiring instrument players choose it. And now you want to learn the reasons behind such a preference. Here are some of the leading reasons why clarinet is the most preferred woodwind gear that people love to learn.

An important point to remember- Before you start learning the instrument, you will have to buy or rent a clarinet. Right? And to ensure its protection, you will need Clarinet Insurance. Make sure to keep this in mind. Now, let’s get started!

Reason 1 – Clarinet is loved for the versatility it offers. Plus, it is easy to learn in comparison to other instruments of the woodwind family, like trombone or trumpet. So, for the first-timers, it is indeed an added advantage.

Reason 2 – When we talk about the clarinet, elements of romanticism, adroitness, language, and character unknowingly sets in. During your journey of learning a clarinet, you will understand that with this woodwind, you can pour your heart and soul out. You can do both – surrender your senses to the relaxing and soft sounds as well as go gaga to the aggressive and high-pitches. Simply put, you can live your passion in the best possible way.

Reason 3 – We are very sure that you have not thought of it from this angle. Playing the clarinet is good for your lungs and your overall health. Why so? One of the most important things you should have in order to play this woodwind musical instrument is – full lung-capacity. And this needs you to be capable of controlling your inhalation and exhalation, which needs your core to be strong. So, playing the clarinet will help you take care of all these. However, do remember, nothing comes easy, and practice is the key to perfection.

Reason 4 – Unlike the 3 valves of a trumpet, the clarinet has multiple keys. If you have seen a clarinetist in action, you might have marked that their fingers move quite crazily over the gear. Those crazy moves take a lot of time, effort, and practice. So, playing the clarinet will help you with improving the coordination between your hand and eyes.

Reason 5 – Clarinet is a compact and petite woodwind instrument that you can nicely carry along. As it is light-weight and portable, you do not need immense muscle power to hold it. Therefore, it is a good choice for beginners and even kids.

Reason 6 – Buying the clarinet will not burn holes in your pocket. Although the high-end woodwinds are pretty expensive and their price range is likely to go high as you move into a professional scenario, clarinets for beginners are affordable. However, regardless of the price, it is crucial to get a Clarinet Insurance for the overall protection of your gear and finances.

Reason 7 – It goes without saying that clarinet is one of the most popular and most loved musical instruments in the world of music. It also means that you have got a lot of scope into this profession. You can become a part of a band, and the rest can be history. Being a part of a band has its own share of perks that no one knows better than you.

So, these are some of the leading reasons why Clarinet is a go-to-instrument. Get a clarinet, find a good music teacher, and get set go.

Musical Instruments Insurance Tips to Make an Informed Choice

For someone who dwells in music, losing an instrument is the biggest nightmare. Besides the emotional ordeal, the cost of buying new gear or even getting a replacement can derail your finances. However, there is one thing that can get everything in place in an unfortunate event of loss or damage to your musical instruments. Yes, that’s Musical Instruments Insurance.

So, if you are a professional musician and you still don’t have an instrument-specific insurance cover, you need immediate action. Misfortune never gives prior information, nor do you call it, after all. Although you cannot get your instrument back in case it is damaged beyond repair, lost, or stolen, you can at least save your skin from the financial distress.

Are you curious about the entire scenario, right from choosing the cover you want to find the right insurance service provider?  Don’t worry! To put an end to all your confusion, here you have some commonly asked questions about insurance plans designed for musical instruments. Hopefully, these will help you make your buying decision more informed.

Why do you need a musical instrument cover?

Covering your musical instrument under a dedicated insurance policy is crucial because it will save you when you are all caught up with a super-expensive bill. Sometimes, it does not matter how watchful you are with your gears because accidents are unforeseen and inevitable. For example – can you foresee your guitar being stolen or damaged? So, it would be smart if you do not leave anything to luck and chance and get your musical instrument covered. A comprehensive musical instrument will ensure that you are safe no matter how big the financial peril is.

What will you call an ideal policy? What should be covered?

Well, different people, different needs. So are the insurance policies – flexible and customizable. However, a standard musical instrument policy will ensure that your instrument is covered in cases of theft, accidental damage, loss, and fire damage. Also, if you opt for worldwide cover and public liability, you will be more secured and ready for the uncertainties. So, understand your requirements from the policy and talk to your service provider before choosing anything at random.

What will an instrument-specific policy cover but your home insurance will not?

If you play commercially, regardless of the time and monetary benefits, your home insurance will not cover your gears. However, your musical instrument policy will. Dedicated musical instrument insurance will also provide coverage to repair and damage scenarios and is most likely to compensate you for the replacement value. This is not all. There are many more differences between home insurance and a standalone insurance plan for your gear.

Is an appraisal a must for your musical instruments?

Well, if you own a vintage instrument or the price of your gear is very high, or you have inherited one, yes, appraisals are necessary. However, if you have got the photographs, serial numbers, and other documents in place, you might not need an appraisal. Make sure to confirm it or not you need one with your service provider beforehand.

What about public liability insurance? Do you need it?

This cover will come forward as a big-time savior if anyone else or their property has suffered loss or damage because of you and your gear. If you do not have this cover, then you will have to pay out of pocket if the third-party is injured or his or her property has been damaged. Medical bills and lawsuits are pretty expensive, by the way.

What if your musical insurance goes missing from your car or while in transit?

An insurance policy dedicated to musical instruments is likely to cover all the possible situations that can disrupt your career by stopping you from performing. For more details, you can get in touch with your insurance provider.

So, get yourself a Musical Instruments Insurance and take a deep sigh of relief.

Looking for Flute Insurance? You have Reached the Right Place

Nothing can be an as valuable treasure to flutist as his flute. They do not just spend big bundles in buying the quality flute, but they put their soul and heart into playing it. Saying flute is an emblematic of their existence won’t be an overstatement at all. Regardless of the size, cost, and quality of the flute, they are susceptible to get lost, damaged, or stolen while playing at concerts, rehearsals, or home. It indicates it’s equally important to invest in flute insurance so that you don’t need to dig a deep hole in your pocket to repair or buy a new flute.

Clarion associates- the musical instrument insurance company covers every type of Flute Insurance need.

No matter if the flutists are using the flute professionally, taking it school or college, playing it while traveling abroad, or want to replace or repair it, the musical instrument insurance company covers the wide range of situations under the flute insurance policy where your flute is covered against theft and unexpected damages. Besides, the insurance coverage includes the handmade headjoints (If any) that accompanies the flute. This together gives a peace of mind to the flutist as their flute is covered everywhere, wherever they go.


How Clarion Associates get your needs covered?

The well-established flute insurance claim service provider ensures that flutist gets back up and starts playing the flute as early as possible after unfortunate events by facilitating loan instrument hire cost where the premium can be as low as $10 to $100. The free insurance cover is provided for the accessories that can be summed up to $500.

In addition to meeting the needs of different types of flutists at competitive rates, the company has simplified the insurance coverage by enabling the individual musicians to customize the insurance coverage based on various determinants such as flute value, how it’s used, how often played, where it’s kept, and pretty more. At the core of flute insurance, the flute is itself the vital element that highly influences the insurance cost and insurance coverage to provide. The flute specialists assess all the factors before passing any judgment.

Easy Quotes

Interested in getting your flute covered with us? If so, we are just a click away in the digital universe. But, unlike other insurance policies, you won’t get the flute insurance quotes at ease and speed. The reason is for flute underwriting, the company needs detailed information that you have to submit through a form, and then only the company can reach out to you with a quote.

A little discomfort in filling the long form will put both parties traveling in the same boat alongside no conflict raised at the time of claim adjustment. Post-form submission, the quotes are sent in one business day.

Customer Service

If you don’t want to go online, our customer support is just a call away. Call us at (631) 435-4500 to speak with any of our team members and get your flute insurance needs to be covered.