Packing & Shipping Instructions for Your Oboe Instrument

Music is not only a recreation for musicians but also a source of their livelihood. They invest a significant amount of money in good quality instruments to get the best outcome for their well-being. Therefore, when they order a piece of equipment from a music dealer for delivery to their doorstep, as the outlet owner, it’s your responsibility to get the music gear shipped following all the necessary safety measures. Abiding by a well-organized shipping process will help you to get the instruments delivered in the condition desired by your clients and enhance the trust and scope for future businesses from the same client.

Whether you operate a small-scale business selling music gadgets or have an enormous setup dealing in musical equipment, you should be extremely careful while shipping valuable and delicate instruments to your clients. As a music dealer, you must be aware that in case of any magnitude of damage during transit resulting due to poor packaging, you will be liable to replace or refund the amount to your clients. In such circumstances, traders rely on Oboe Insurance to get their woodwind insured and be financially secure from any mishap.

Here is a complete guideline on the packaging and shipping of the instrument following the mentioned steps.

• First and foremost, you need to disassemble all the necessary parts of the oboe, wrap them with bubble paper and keep them in the storage place of the case.

• As per the size of the instrument, you need to choose the box where your woodwind can fit easily. Firstly, put the oboe in its original case and wrap it properly with bubble paper. The next step is to place the casing in a carton and get it sealed. Ensure the box should not much bigger than the instrument case. The difficulty in using larger cartons results in the woodwind instrument rattling around in space during transit.

• While packaging any woodwind instrument, ensure there should not be any empty space in the box. If there is any gap, fill it with a bubble wrapper or brown paper to negate the chances of movement within the box and avoid possible damage during transportation.

• Make sure you choose high-quality boxes, tapes, bubble wrap, and other packaging material while shipping a delicate instrument like an oboe.

• Do not miss to paste a sticker that denotes the shipment contains delicate and fragile equipment. Also include a note stating the name, phone number, and other necessary details of persons or, businesses involved in the consignment.

• Choosing the shipping provider holds paramount importance. A conventional way of shipping might be a risky affair. Therefore, it is better to avail the expertise of specialized shipping providers for your delicate equipment. Though it may cost a few extra pennies still for safety still cost a few extra pennies to choose the shipping provider wisely and put your delicate oboe in good hands.

Best Ways to Choose the Perfect Shipping Provider for Your Woodwind

• Before finalizing the shipping company, detailed research can pay huge dividends in finding the best available rates in the market.

• Online research will help you to get a brief about the quality of the services offered by the company through testimonials of existing clients.

• Before dispatching the consignment, be informed about the delivery schedule and the charges involved. Don’t forget to take the tracking number from the company.

How Does Oboe Insurance Protect You from Damage in Transit?

Shipment of highly valued musical instruments is itself risky. You will be held responsible by the consignee on receipt of commodities damaged during transit. In such a scenario, you will be liable to replace the equipment or pay for damages caused during transportation. Shipping companies also offer insurance for the shipment however, it is a costly option. The best way to safeguard your woodwind instruments is to opt for a specialized Oboe Insurance coverage plan and get protected financially. It plays a significant role in providing coverage against any damages that may occur during transit and cover you from suffering a financial disaster.

Best Options for Traveling with An Oboe Instrument

Traveling distances with musical equipment presents a challenge as some instruments are expensive and fragile. Musicians have to be very careful about their musical gear at the time of travel. However, Oboe is handy and easy to carry mainly because of its lightweight enabling a hassle-free journey. The safest mode of transfer is boarding an airline.

If you are traveling on a flight with your Oboe instrument, here are some tips that can be helpful.

• Carry instrument in a sturdy cover: The most important thing is to ensure that your Oboe should be in a hard case to keep it safe.

• Know your flight well: Before boarding the airline, you should be clear with the luggage policy. Better to take written approval from the authorities to carry the Oboe on the plane.

• Be ready with all papers: Carry all necessary documents about your instrument. Your favorite Oboe should not get held owing to improper or no permits at Security inspection.

• Security checks are time taking: Considering you are traveling by flight, ensure that you reach the airport early to avoid the crowd at the security check.

• Communicate even when you are not there: It is always advisable to stick a note on the casing to alert officials and security personnel about the instrument inside the box.

• Get your gear insured: At the time of transit, there is always a probability of risk. Finally, Oboe insurance covers the risk of any unprecedented damage. Insuring your favorite instrument is the best you can do.

Are you happy with the partial coverage for your beloved Oboe?

Before finalizing the insurance plan for your expensive musical gear, it is always advisable to go through the coverage details carefully so that in any circumstance, you should not face the unbearable cost of replacing or repairing them. The homeowner’s policy covers musical insurance only up to a specified limit. When you have an option to choose an insurance plan that is underwritten as per the needs of your favorite instrument then there is no point in buying general policies that do not suffice your requirement. Specified Oboe Insurance helps to protect your musical equipment by keeping all possible risks in mind.

Your oboe should be in the experts’ hands.

The dedicated musical instrument insurance providers have the expertise to offer you the appropriate coverage plan. With years of experience, they designed the dedicated policy for Oboists who not only spend an exorbitant amount on expensive music gear but also are emotionally attached to it. Your insurance should have a wide range of coverage that protects you from all possible risks.

Before buying your favorite music equipment, you definitely check all top-notch brands and the testimonial of their clients so that you can have the best instrument that will perform well and last long. Similarly, when you buy the best insurance plan for your music gear, you should check twice before finalizing with the insurance company.

It is better not to choose any insurance company blindfolded. Some vital factors that you should consider before purchasing the policy include:

• Customer-centric- This is the most crucial aspect. Alongside offering adequate coverage, the company has to be customer-oriented. They should have strong customer care support and provide quick resolutions to any issues related to music instrument insurance for their clients.

• Testimonial – Existing customer reviews and feedback will help you to choose the perfect insurance provider for your instrument.

• Years of operation – When your oboe is under experts’ observations, you need not worry. Experience matters!

• Quality Products- Eminent insurance providers ensure that their products catering to risk coverage of music instruments are competitive and more customer oriented.

• Transparency- An insurance company must be very transparent about its product pricing, claim settlement, and terms and conditions outlined in the product catalog.

These are a few fundamental qualities you should consider before finalizing the insurance company for Oboe Instrument.

Why is Oboe Insurance Important for You as a Musician?

As a musician, it is creating, writing, and playing good music that matters the most. Musicians around the world play a variety of instruments including the Oboe.

Unlike other musical instruments, the Oboe requires extra care to ensure that it produces decent music and beautiful sound that does not lead to disappointment. Or else, the chances of it letting you down are always high.

Therefore, to eliminate this problem one should get their instrument insured if they want to be able to compose music without worry. As many individuals cannot afford to overlook the overall health of their instrument, that is when Oboe insurance allows you to take advantage of the musical opportunities.

Why is Oboe Insurance Important?

As a musician looking forward to getting Oboe Insurance must know that getting your instrument insured gives you a chance to compose music without any worries.

It gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the musical opportunities and gain a sense of security that the insurance provider is protecting the instrument in every way.

Unarguably, it creates a utopia where your only concern revolves around which genre of music is beneficial, how to serve the audience with good music, etc.

Who Should Avail of Oboe Insurance?

Wondering who should get Oboe Insurance? Well, before you make a decision to purchase musical instrument insurance, it is important to find out if you really need it or not.

● Musician For a Living

Anyone who is relying completely on the musical instrument for a living should be the one to take the insurance.

This would help to reduce the amount of time you would be going without the instrument specifically when they get lost, damaged, or get stolen.

● Chances of Thefts are High

When the chances of theft are high, that’s when you should get musical instrument insurance.

Having insurance coverage may pay for all the repairs and other aforementioned expenses including making new instrument purchases.

● Frequent Travellers

If you keep on traveling with the musical instruments, then also you should purchase insurance as there are always chances of it falling out of the overhead compartment when the cabin pressure changes.

Moreover, they can react violently in similar circumstances. But having insurance can get you covered in such situations.

● Collector of Instruments

If you like to collect musical instruments or have very expensive instruments in your collection, then having insurance can definitely be a life savior.

This is simply because there are always chances of your vintage musical instruments falling off and the value of the instrument decreases as a result.

What are the Advantages of Getting a Musical Instrument Insurance?

When you get Oboe Insurance, the first thing you would get is the peace of mind that is much needed for any artist to survive in the industry.

You can stay rest assured that your instruments are covered even if the insurance is never needed. Usually, musicians are seen worrying about the setlists and booking performances, but having insurance cuts down all of it.

Other than that, whenever you have an issue with the instrument, you get to consult with someone knowledgeable depending on the type of insurance plan you have purchased.

Furthermore, the musical instruments insurance coverage would not be limited to your city or state but worldwide.

Get Your Musical Instrument Insurance Done Today

As music is eternal but musical instruments are not – you must take every chance to secure them. Therefore, the best thing you can do is count on insurance providers like Clarion Musical Instrument Insurance who have more than 20 years of experience.

Having an extensive range of insurance plans, you can get any of your musical instruments covered at affordable rates.

Through efficiency and transparency, this musical insurance service provider makes sure that you get the complete peace of mind to perform well on stage.

3 Things to Consider When Buying the Oboe Instrument

The oboe is a delicate and finely tuned musical instrument. Therefore, as a responsible oboist, periodic adjustments are absolutely crucial. So, when planning to buy this woodwind gear, you should find a reliable shop that provides you with best-in-class and timely after-care.

Also, do not forget to buy a suitable Oboe Insurance policy for the overall protection of your musical instrument. It ensures financial safety and peace of mind. However, before you buy an oboe, do remember to consider the following pointers to make the best buy.

  1. The German and French Styles

The oboe is available in two basic styles: French and German.

In the 19th century, the German variant was mainstream and widely used. However, these days, it is regarded as a special woodwind mainly used by Viennese performers, for example, the Vienna Philharmonic. Therefore, the German style of the oboe is also known as the Wiener oboe. These types of musical instruments produce rich, bright, and nasal-sounding tones. These woodwinds are the evolved version of the 18th century’s Baroque oboe (a three-keyed gear).a

In today’s time, the French-style woodwind has become mainstream. Designed and developed in the nineteenth century, the French style of oboe was called the Conservatoire style. The reason – it was embraced by the Conservatoire de Paris. Owing to the key system of this oboe, it became widespread. Its key mechanism allows the player to play fast songs at high volume.

If you are a beginner, it is advisable to get started with the Conservatoire style even if you like or prefer the Viennese timbre.

  1. Fully-Automatic and Semi-Automatic

An oboe comes in two systems – Fully and Semi-Automatic. Whether an oboe is former or latter depends on the octave key’s operation. Both these mechanisms come with their share of pros and cons. Although you can buy any variant you want, industry experts recommend the semi-automatic one for beginners.

While playing a semi-automatic oboe, the oboist must work with the first and second keys. However, as far as fingering is concerned, it offers a high level of flexibility, and therefore, this type of gear is widely used across the globe.

When it comes to the fully-automatic system, manipulating the oboe is easy as the second-octave lever is absent. However, beginners are likely to get off-key because of difficult adjustments.

  1. Grenadilla or Rosewood

In general, people assume that oboes will look like black tubes. However, the oboe is basically made up of two types of woods – grenadilla and rosewood.

Clarinets are also made up of grenadilla. The main characteristics of a woodwind made from grenadilla – are the heft, relative density, and far-projecting sound. Therefore, it is a suitable option for large gig spaces.

Another type of lumber used for crafting oboe is rosewood. It is brown. The sound it produces is soft and harmonizes properly with other woodwind musical instruments. It also gels up well with string gears. Although the sound is not far sounding, the tones of this equipment are distinct, making it a good option for chamber music.

So, these are some of the most important things to keep in mind while choosing the oboe. Considering these will help you choose the most suitable product.

Do not ignore proper insurance coverage!

After going through these pointers, you have probably got an idea about the oboe and the factors to count on when buying one. Make sure to consider these when purchasing your first woodwind to ensure cost-effectiveness and quality. As already told, you should not ignore the importance of Oboe Insurance too. It is not a mere piece of paper that you buy for the sake of your gear. It could be your savior in unforeseen times. It could take care of your finances if your gear is damaged, stolen, or lost, and you are left with no option. So, make sure to get your copy of insurance right after you buy your woodwind instrument and keep learning and making good and soulful music.

The Difference Between Oboe and Flute and Why Insure It

You are in the right place to know the difference between oboe and flute and why to insure it. They both belong to the woodwind family of musical instruments because they are made of wood, but now, they are made of metal, plastic, and other material combinations. Though flute and oboe are musical instruments of the same woodwind family, they have more differences than similarities. The differences include the colour, construction material, key work, tone, shape, sound quality, playing position, etc. Though the flute has existed from the prehistoric period for thousands of years, many believe the oboe exists from the antiquity era. Also, the significant difference between the two is the material used to make the flute and oboe, which makes it essential for taking oboe insurance. Because for making expensive oboes, mostly grenadilla wood known as African Blackwood gets used with the keys made of metals like silver-plated brass.

So, check out the significant differences between oboe and flute and why insure it for claiming its costs in case of losing it.

11 top differences between oboe and flute

From materials used to make them to the size, shape, keys, and history, there are many differences between the oboe and flute that include, among others.

  1. Professional players use silver flutes with gold in the mouthpiece lip rest joint, whereas grenadilla wood, known as African Blackwood, gets used for making oboe with silver-plated brass keys.
  2. Though flutes and bores are 26 inches, long flutes are made of the cylindrical bore, while oboes have conical bores.
  3. Flutes with head joints get played parallel to the ground, while oboes have double reeds placed in the instrument directly to play perpendicular to the ground.
  4. Though flute and oboe are treble clef instruments found in the key C, with both having almost the range of three octaves, the flute’s timbre is mellow, light, and sweet, whereas that of the oboe is colorful, singing, and nasal.
  5. The flute sound is shrill, with the lowest octave being quite full, while the oboe can pierce through the sound of an entire ensemble.
  6. The flute has no reed to play but has a lip plate on the head joint for blowing air-stream to make sound, and the oboe has a double reed which are two cane pieces to vibrate against each other to make the sound.
  7. Though both the instruments are hard to learn, the level for learning oboe needs a lot of patience, practice, and resilience to master the embouchure and tuning, which takes time.
  8. The history of the two instruments is another significant difference as flutes exist from the prehistoric period dating back to thousands of years. In contrast, flutes existed from the antiquity era, and the first instrument many believe to exist was in 1647 in the Louis XIV court.
  9. Because of its long history, flutes have many availability of experts to teach while it is less for teaching oboe as it is relatively a new music instrument.
  10. As for maintenance, flutes are easy to repair even in the local music instrument repair shop compared to the delicate and complicated oboe, which needs specialists as it is expensive.
  11. Though the exact number of keys in flute and oboe depends on the model and grade, flutes have 12 keys, and oboes have 22 holes, normally.

Why insure oboe, flute, and other musical instruments?

If you have a passion for music and its instruments, you will surely know their value. Apart from the thousands of dollars cost of many musical instruments, a few heritage ones cost even millions. Also, many have close attachments with their musical instruments to treat them more than their value. But for others, it is only a simple musical instrument, and they do not take it seriously. Hence those stealing it may sell it for a meager few dollar, and the authorities do not take the theft seriously. Hence you need the best oboe insurance as the instruments cost around 4,000 dollars and the old ones around 3,000 dollars. Hence, do not leave it to cover under the home insurance and take customized insurance from the best insurance company like Clarion Insurance. Inc will help claim the high amounts rather than get a few hundred dollars with home insurance.

What is the Difference Between an Oboe and Flute?

Both are members of the same family but have different characters and qualities. Yes, we are talking about the two cousins of the woodwind family – the oboe and the flute. These two musical instruments are vastly different in terms of material, shape, construction design, keywork, color, and tone. Their sound quality, reeds, playing positions are also significantly distinguishable.

Oboe Vs. Flute: An interesting read!

Refer to the below table to understand the differences between the two prominent members of the woodwind family – The Oboe and The Flute!

Differentiating ParametersOboeFlute
Materials   The materials used by the professionals to craft the oboe and the flute are noticeably different.Besides the metal keywork, artisans use African Blackwood, also known as grenadilla wood, to make the oboe. In rare cases, rosewood is also used for this purpose.Flutes (Western concert), on the other hand, are rarely crafted using wood. These woodwind instruments are generally made from metals, such as silver, silver-plated brass, gold (mouthpiece), etc.
Color   Based on the materials used, the oboe and the flute are different in colorsOboes are usually black with silver-toned keys.Flutes are fully silver in color. However, some of the pieces might be golden, depending on the metal they are made from.
Shape   Regardless of the materials used in constructing an oboe or a flute, their shapes make another characteristic of differentiationOboes have a conical-shaped bore. There is no head joint in the oboe. These come with reeds. The player places them into the musical instrument directly.   Oboes are basically round in shape with a flared bell.   Oboes come with more holes and keys. It comprises a minimum of 22 openingsFlutes come with a cylindrical bore. It comprises a head joint too.   The flutes are designed like straight tubes. The internal compartment of the gear looks like a cylinder. These do not have any flared bell type of structure.     The flutes usually have 16 openings.  
Playing position   Playing positions of the oboe and the flute are also different.Oboes are end-blown musical instruments.   An oboist plays the gear while keeping it perpendicular (at a right angle) to the ground.Flutes (Western Classical) are transverse. It means that these are side-blown gears.   A flutist plays their instruments while placing them parallel (same alignment) to the ground.
Sound and Range   Both flute and oboe are treble clef musical instruments and are always found in Key C. However, still they are different.The timbre of the oboe can be called singing, colorful, and nasally. The oboe is popular for having a piercing ability in an entire orchestra or ensemble. In its upper octave, the oboe produces a piercing sound, while in the lower, it sounds dark.The flute’s timbre is light, mellow, and sweet.   In the upper octave, the flute can often produce a shrill sound. However, in the lowest octave, the sound is quite full. The range of the flute can be described as three complete octaves.  
Presence of reed   These gears are also different in terms of reeds.The oboe is a double-reed woodwind musical gear. It comprises two units of cane that vibrate against each other to produce the sound. There are different kinds of oboe reeds available in the market.There is no reed in the flute. This woodwind musical instrument comes with a lip plate on the head joint. The players blow a stream of air through this lip plate to produce the sound.  

The similarities between the oboe and the flute!

So, these are some of the major differences between the oboe and flute that all aspiring woodwind instrument players should know. However, keeping all these differences aside, there are some similarities between these two gears. Being delicate and expensive are some of them. Yes, both these cousins of the woodwind family are expensive and fragile. To ensure their overall protection, buying a flute or an Oboe Insurance plan is a must.

If you are planning to consider your home insurance plan, be informed that it may not provide you with the best possible coverage at the time of need. Therefore, make sure to buy an all-encompassing Oboe Insurance to keep your woodwind musical instrument safe from all perils.

Oboe Insurance to Ensure that Your Woodwind is Peril-Safe

Do you know the most critical thing for someone who plays the oboe? Well! Whether you play professionally or just beginning with your oboe lessons, making sure your woodwind is safe and secure is one of your prime responsibilities. If you believe that your home insurance policy is enough for the same, you are most likely to make a mistake and regret it during an event of a disaster.

What are the downsides of your home insurance plan?

Most people consider their home insurance policy to protect their homes and their belongings. As musical instruments belong to them, they add them to their home insurance plans, thinking the latter will protect them. However, there are some catches associated with the same. Let us take a quick look at them:

● First of all, although a home insurance policy does cover musical gears (provided you have added them), the extent of coverage is less likely to be acceptable enough.
● Secondly, a home insurance plan will not cover your oboe for its total value. It can lead you to invite perils.
● Thirdly, a home insurance plan will not cover accidental damage acquired by musical instruments.
● Fourthly, a home insurance policy will not cover your musical instruments if they happen to damage outside the premises of your home.
● Fifthly, you will not get any coverage for the accessories that you use along with your home insurance.
● Sixthly, if you are involved in a case of public liability, then also your home insurance plan will not cover you.
● Seventhly, if you are looking for worldwide coverage for your gears, forget about your home insurance plan.
● Lastly, if you are a touring and paid performer, you should not expect any coverage under your home insurance policy.

What should be your go-to defense for your gears if not your home insurance?

The people who rely on home insurance for covering their personal belongings like expensive musical instruments are taken aback upon learning about the shortcomings of the same. Do you belong to the same brigade? Are you wondering that if your home insurance plan cannot help you protect your oboe, then what else can help you? The answer is – a comprehensive Oboe Insurance plan.

What is an Oboe protection plan?

As the name suggests, it is an instrument-specific insurance plan that covers your woodwind against all possible risks, except the intentional damage.

Whether you are playing the oboe on-stage in a concert or rehearsing at your home, an all-encompassing Oboe Insurance will cover your woodwind no matter what. The policy not only covers musicians. The policy also offers protection to the professionals who teach music, sell or collect musical instruments, and appraise and repair them.

What all does an instrument-specific insurance plan cover?

Let us take a look at the perks of buying musical instrument insurance:

● Unlike your home insurance plan, a musical instrument insurance plan will offer comprehensive cover to your gears.
● It will cover the total value of your oboe in case of an accident. Plus, it will also cover accidental damages.
● A dedicated musical instrument insurance plan will cover your gears worldwide. So for a touring performer, it is the icing on the cake.
● If you find a decent musical instrument insurance policy, it will also cover the accessories along with the key musical instrument.
● Your musical gear insurance will also protect you and pay off on behalf of you in case of any public liability claim by a third party.

How can you leverage the benefits of a musical instrument insurance plan?

In order to make sure that you get the best out of your insurance policy, one of the most crucial things is to choose a good insurance provider. A reliable and customer-oriented musical instrument insurance service provider will help you relieve your apprehensions associated with owning, playing, and protecting a musical instrument.

Moreover, it is vital to choose an easy-to-use, effective, and affordable insurance plan. A good carrier makes it possible with their reasonable premiums and best-in-class coverage. So, you get a value for money deal.

With a reputed insurance firm, the application process is not lengthy but simple. The best part – you can also make and process your application online. All you need to do is apply as a new business associate, and the team will reply to you with a price quote.

Why Do You Need Insurance Policy for Oboe Instrument?

Did you know the oboe is the principal musical instrument in several celebrated classical and pop songs? Yes, that’s true. The exceptional classical compositions, the Oboe Concerto in A Minor by Ralph Vaughan-Williams and Concerto for Oboe by Richard Strauss, have used the oboe. And as far as the pop works are concerned, Donna Summer’s Last Dance and Seal’s Kiss from a Rose also feature this woodwind instrument.

Hang on! That is not all. The oboe has also been a part of film music, mainly used for sad or emotional scenes. Some of the excellent movies where you can hear an oboe are The Godfather (the Love Theme), Born on the Fourth of July, and The Mission (the Oboe theme of Gabriel).

The cousins of the oboe.

The oboe belongs to the woodwind family of musical instruments. And the latter comprises many other relatives. These include the English horn (Cor Anglais), piccolo oboe (Musette), Shawm, the Oboe D’Amore, and the bass oboe (Heckelphone).

Although both English horn and oboe are wooden double-reed musical instruments that produce sweet melodies, the pitch of the former is lower than that of the oboe. Therefore, the former, i.e., the English horn, produces a more melancholy and resonant tone.

Playing the oboe is no child’s play.

If you play the oboe, you know well that it requires a lot of hard work, experience, and talent to earn a name and fame as an oboe player. Also, being one of the priciest musical instruments in the orchestra, you may know that this woodwind gear needs special care. It may also need a replacement in every 10-years to 15-years if you are a professional.

Unlike its cousins, the oboe needs proper maintenance from time to time to ensure it has a pretty long lifespan. Plus, it is a very delicate musical gear. So, you should make sure to have an expert looking after its maintenance. In simple words, having an oboe is itself an expensive thing. Therefore, it is highly advisable to buy a comprehensive Oboe Insurance plan that will take care of your bills and fines (in case of public liability) as and when needed.

The reed of the oboe.

The reed is a vital component of the oboe. It is because of the reed the oboe produces such a beautiful sound. Therefore, oboist gives extraordinary importance to the same. They often buy or replace the reeds to ensure quality sound. If you are planning to buy an oboe, make sure to choose the right reed. It means you should look for easy-to-blow reeds that do not need excessive manipulation through the mouthpiece.

Did you know that professional oboists (after they read a certain level) generally make their own reed according to their needs? Yes, the reed is that important for them.

The oboe can be a hard nut to crack.

Due to various reasons, including articulation challenges, the courtier-intuitive technique to play it, and problems with the reeds, it could be tough to learn and play the oboe. If you or your child want to learn this woodwind musical instrument, you need to ensure two crucial things –

● First of all, you need to have patience.
● Secondly, you need the enthusiasm to practice and practice more to get the embouchure correct.

The similarity between the clarinet and the oboe

The clarinet and the oboe may look similar in appearance. However, in terms of make and functioning, they are not. The former is a single-reed instrument, whereas the latter comes with a double-reed. Moreover, the size of the bore in a clarinet is bigger than the oboe. It makes fingerings for the notes different too.

An insurance policy can save a great deal.

After learning all these things about the oboe, you have probably understood that it is an expensive musical instrument to buy and maintain. And, therefore, you should never compromise with its protection. It calls for a standalone Oboe Insurance policy. A specialized insurance plan will ensure that your musical instruments are safe and secure no matter what peril comes. The list of mishaps includes –

● Accidental damage
● Loss or damage due to natural calamities
● Loss or damage due to theft and vandalism
● Cases of public liabilities, and so on.

Just imagine! With just a piece of insurance paper, you can deter all possible perils surrounding your musical gear.

Pros and Cons of Wooden Oboe Instrument

Earlier, when plastic did not come to the market, oboes were crafted out of different kinds of woods. Needless to mention it, but in the hands of an expert oboe player, the wooden oboes were used to produce fascinating notes that were musky and delightful to the ears.

Every good thing comes for a price.

However, all these good and rich notes come with their share of prices. One of the most common problems with wooden oboes is – bending and cracking of the wood. Plus, temperature and humidity in the air may also impact the pitch of the woodwind.

Taking care of wooden oboes

The skilled and experienced musicians are likely to tend their wooden gears needs according to the changing climatic conditions. They can also handle their embouchure as per the caprices of the woodwind. However, a student or a beginner might find all these things pretty challenging and daunting.

When did the oboe first appear?

The oboe made its first appearance in the classical orchestra in the middle of the 17th century. It is a double-reed instrument, and it belongs to the family of woodwind musical instruments.

The classic never goes out of vision

Initially, wooden oboes were manufactured from boxwood and consisted of three keys. Later on, the manufacturers started using other varieties of woods, including ebony, violet wood, rosewood, cocobolo, and African blackwood, to mention a few. However, these days, a majority of this woodwind gear is made from plastics. No matter what, nothing can beat the sylvan depth and rich tones of a wooden oboe.

Old Vs. New age wooden oboes

Although not available today, the best wood-made oboes were crafted from the finest quality hardwoods. If you are wondering about the vintage oboes that were made before the 1970s, those were made from woods of old trees with tighter grains.

New-age wooden oboes are crafted from new trees. And, therefore, they are prone to bending or cracking in comparison to the ones made up of aged woods.

Skilled repairers can repair the cracks that appear on the wooden oboes with precision. Technologically advanced bonding cement and mucilage offer seamless adhesion. So, if you own a wooden oboe and it has got some cracks, then do not fret. It is not ruined. You can always get it repaired. However, in order to save your pocket from the possible expenses, getting a comprehensive oboe insurance policy is essential.

Sound-wise comparison

Moreover, wooden oboes produce superior sounds than that of their plastic counterparts. This only feature makes a wooden oboe worth the investment and maintenance it needs.

A majority of oboe teachers generally recommend their students to go for plastic-made oboes instead of wooden oboes. The reason? The latter needs much more care and maintenance than the former. Also, plastic oboes do not bend or crack. Plus, they are affordable too, considering the very first instrument.

Experienced and skilled oboe players are more into wooded oboe. However, they only go for wooden gear, if the instrument has an exceptional construction and is made up of high-quality wood. An economical version of wooden oboes is likely to produce a sound that you would find more expensive when compared to a plastic oboe.

An important question

Do you play infrequently? Or are you just a beginner? If so, then before deciding between a wooden or a plastic oboe, it is crucial to weigh the cost, durability, susceptibility to bending and cracking, preventive care, and maintenance requirements of the product.

Insurance is a must-have

Another important thing you should keep in mind before buying an oboe is – whether you intend to choose a wooden or a plastic oboe, getting Oboe Insurance is of utmost importance. It serves the purpose of a protective shield that guards your musical instruments and finances against the unexpectedness of life.

How does an insurance plan protect your gears?

When you buy an all-encompassing insurance plan, it covers you against almost all kinds of risks, including theft, vandalism, robbery, earthquake, fire, flood, rain, public liabilities, loss of income, worker’s compensation, transportation loss, and damage, among others. Also, with a reputable music instrument insurance company, you can get access to policy customization. So, instead of relying on your home insurance policy, make sure to get specialized coverage.

Benefits to Insure Oboe Instrument with a specialized Musical Insurance Company

Answer this simple question.

Will you go looking for a car that you want to buy at a departmental store? Or will you visit a premium car dealership to buy a health insurance plan? No. Right? Then why cover your beloved oboe under your home insurance when you have some of the best music insurance companies in your state? Why go for partial cover when you can choose from a range of standalone musical instrument insurance policies?

Musical instruments, regardless of their families and types, are delicately crafted. Most importantly, they are likely to cost several thousand and million dollars. Like you do not want to take a chance with your properties, health, motor car, and other prized possessions, being a music lover, you should not take your musical instrument for granted as well. There are tons of reasons why you need an instrument-specific insurance plan from a reliable musical insurance company. Here are the benefits of insuring your oboe with a specialized musical insurance company.

Experience matters!

A specialized musical instrument insurance company has the expertise to provide you with the appropriate advice when it comes to buying an Oboe Insurance policy. They have years of experience in dealing with cases around musical instruments. They know how musical instrument owners are attached to their gears. So, apart from the financial value, they also understand the emotional weightage of the musical instruments to their owners. Therefore, they can help you with the right policy. As far as the financial value is concerned, you will get much more comprehensive coverage with a musical instrument company in comparison to your home insurance plan.

Claim settlement is easy as a breeze.

Claim settlement is another factor that is convenient with an experienced musical instrument insurance provider. As they have been dealing with similar claims for years, they know how to handle it in a way that you get the compensation in its best possible value at the earliest. However, if you choose a home insurance provider, claim settlement is likely to come with a lot of ups and downs. Most importantly, you are less likely to get the desired value for making your claim with a home insurance provider. Therefore, going for a specialized Oboe Insurance is always a great idea and industry experts welcome it.

Wide range of coverage

When you buy an insurance plan, no matter what it is for, you make sure to understand what all is covered under the same. Right? It gives you an idea about how a particular plan can help you in your time of need. Let us take a look at the scenarios that a standard musical instrument insurance plan with a reputed insurer covers:

● Accidental damage to your gear
● All types of musical instruments and accessories
● Fire, both natural and staged
● Flood and water damage
● Thunderstorm
● Heavy rain
● Theft
● Vandalism
● Robbery
● Transportation damage
● Public liability cover
● Worldwide cover
● Loss of income

These are some of the most common scenarios that a specialized music instrument plan covers. Hopefully, you are quite impressed with the list.

Qualities of a reliable musical gear insurance provider

Although you will get to choose from a number of music insurance companies operating in the market, not everyone can live up to your insurance requirements and expectations. Therefore, you should be careful before zeroing in on any one of them. Some of the crucial aspects that you need to consider includes:

● Years of operation
● Valid license
● Certifications and memberships with relevant authorities
● Client testimonials
● Terms and conditions, to mention a few

Having an idea about these credentials will help you choose one of the best service providers.