Why You Should Insure Your Piano Instrument?

Piano’s contribution to classical and contemporary music is unmatched. Moreover, playing the piano brings a host of mental and physical benefits to you. And, what do you do to protect your keyboard? While cleaning, repairing, and maintenance are essential, Piano Insurance makes your checklist for piano care complete.

Originated in the form of the harpsichord in the early years of the 18th Century, this keyboard-based gear has undergone many alterations in designs and configurations, such as upright piano, grand piano, digital pianos, hybrid pianos, and synthesizers, since then. So, which form of harpsichord do you play/own? Regardless of that, the one thing that you should never overlook is getting specialized musical instrument insurance for your piano.

Why You Should Insure Your Piano Instrument

Why do you need a gear-specific insurance policy?

Most people usually have homeowners’ cover. So, they believe that everything they have listed in the belongings-to-be-covered part of their insurance policy is safe and protected from the unwanted dangers. Do you also think alike? Well, although homeowners’ cover or renters’ insurance policy does cover your belongings, there are some catches that most of us often fail to understand. So, if you have chosen to insure your keyboard under your renters’ or homeowners’ insurance policy, you should read this content for sure.

Yes, insurance policies, such as homeowners’ or renters’ cover include your belongings; you must understand the limitations and risks associated with such arrangements.

  • Firstly, your home insurance policy will only cover up to a defined amount of your musical instruments.
  • Secondly, it will cover only limited events of accidental damage.
  • Thirdly, you are most likely to buy a rider on your existing insurance plan, in case your musical instruments are expensive.

Although these are some of the many limitations associated with your homeowners’ or renters’ cover, these are enough to let you break your bank in case of an event of a loss. Therefore, it is always rewarding to get a standalone musical instrument plan to shield your piano. Probably, nobody knows how much your beloved piano means to you, and, of course, the amount you have shelled out to buy it other than you. Isn’t it? Therefore, find a good insurance provider that offers insurance-specific insurance plans and protect your musical instrument.

How will a gear-specific insurance policy protect your piano?

It protects you from loss and damage due to a host of factors.

If you buy a piano-specific insurance plan for your keyboard, you protect it, as well as, your finances against damage or loss due to a number of accidents, including – theft, flood, fire, earthquake, accidental breakage, misplaced gears, and other such events.

It ensures proper valuation of your instruments.

One of the most important aspects of having a Piano Insurance is, it is most likely to provide you with a higher amount for your instrument in comparison to your homeowners’ insurance plan.

It protects you from public liability cases

And, public liability? How can you forget that? Let’s suppose- you are moving from one place to the other, or you have a concert outside your state and you have to take your piano with you. What if someone else got injured due to your musical instrument during the transit?

It is quite clear that the third party will consider you to be at fault. And, perhaps you are aware of the financial consequences when you are held responsible for someone else’s loss besides the hassles of being on the wrong side of a lawsuit. However, having an insurance cover safeguards you from the financial consequences that can impact your financial planning and livelihood.

Therefore, before a stroke of misfortune paralyzes your career as a musician, make sure to insure your piano under a suitable musical instrument policy and take a sigh of relief from the unforeseen.

How Insurance Can Give Protection To Your Piano While On A Tour?

Insurance has become indispensable for every single item you own. It not only saves your money from a further investment if that particular item gets damaged, lost, or stolen but also gives mental peace. This is also applicable when you own a musical instrument too. Buying a musical instrument like the piano involves quite a hefty investment and you will certainly want to protect your investment. Here arises the need to embrace Piano Insurance and stay assured that if any untoward incident happens, the insurance company will give the complete coverage.

Piano Insurance

There are insurance companies in the market that give coverage to all kinds of pianos, such as upright, grand and digital pianos, keyboards, harpsichords, and synthesizers. The insurance is designed for musicians of various levels. Thus, it is always advisable that when you choose insurance, remember to associate with the best insurance provider in the market as they offer a host of benefits. The reputed insurance provider offers comprehensive coverage safeguarding against fire, accidental damage, theft, and loss during travel. Another advantage of choosing a reputed insurance provider is they give coverage to sheet music as well as books. Free coverage is given to accessories also.

Things to remember

There are certain things that must be taken into consideration while buying your policy. Few things are there which you must understand and remember to ask the insurance representative.  If you travel frequently with your instrument, then make sure to ask the representative what type of coverage your policy will provide while you move. The next thing that needs to be cleared is if you move for several days how long your items will be covered at both places.

When you buy a piano and not sure where to head for buying insurance for your instrument, then get in touch with a musical instrument insurance expert. The person will guide you appropriately and will help you to choose the right policy that will suit your need. All you need to do is just give a call to the expert or drop your query online and get instant support; make sure that you call during the business hours.

Ask for a quote

Money is the key factor when it comes to buying any product or availing any service. This is not an exception to Piano Insurance. Before you proceed to buy insurance for your piano, remember to ask for a free quote from your chosen insurance provider. The premium that you have to pay annually must not create a burden on you and should be pocket-friendly with comprehensive coverage. Once you are satisfied with the premium, buy the insurance, and protect your insurance from any unfortunate incident.

When you have insurance done, you not only have complete peace of mind but traveling with your piano becomes much tensionless.

Go for a reputed insurance provider

Many reputed insurance providers offer a specialized policy for musical instruments and these reputed insurance providers are backed by an experienced and knowledgeable team of professionals and possess knowledge about the instrument that you have. The piano might not come under your homeowner’s policy but it is possible that the piano can be itemized as assets listed with the chosen insurance provider and you will get coverage for that. If you want your piano to get included in your homeowner’s insurance policy, make sure to do extensive research as most of the homeowner’s policies give coverage to a percentage of piano value or only give coverage of a particular amount. It is best to opt for dedicated insurance for your piano other than including it under the homeowner’s policy.

The bottom line

It is never too late to begin, so if you haven’t done insurance for your expensive piano, get it done at the earliest. Not only your piano will have complete protection but you will not have to invest a single penny if any damage or unfortunate incident happens. So go for insurance and stay protected.