Why Insurance is Crucial When Shipping Your Piccolo Instrument

Picture this – You are a piccoloist. You are set to travel to attend a musical gig along with your fellow band members. Exciting. Right? You prepared well for the concert and have the best musical instruments with you to enthrall the audience, especially your piccolo, probably, a pretty expensive one.

Everything was going well until you found out that piccolo is damaged/misplaced/stolen.

Wait! This situation is a mere piece of imagination. However, have you ever thought, what if your piccolo is actually damaged, misplaced, or stolen while you are traveling? Although incidences like this are awful, terrifying, and stressful, these do occur. And when these befall, these leave behind a string of bitter consequences.

Such unwanted scenarios are most likely to hit you on both the emotional and financial fronts. However, if you have a comprehensive Piccolo Insurance cover from a leading insurance company, you are safe from the financial outcomes of such perils. An instrument-specific insurance policy ensures that your musical instruments are financially safe in an unfortunate event of loss or damage.

Apart from the given scenario, dedicated musical insurance cover also comes in handy when you have shipped your gear to a technician or workshop for regular service and maintenance.

Here is how you can ensure the safety of your piccolo on the go!

Keep an identification mark with your gear!

When packing your musical gear for shipping, make sure that you have a copy of its serial number. You may also leave an identification mark inside your piccolo case. It will help you with identifying your gear if it is lost.

Pack your gear properly

When it comes to packing your piccolo, you are likely to choose from various options. It includes –

  • Using a custom shipping case
  • Using your own packaging
  • Hiring professional packaging services

Although you can choose any of the packaging options, the last one is the most convenient. You will find many shipping companies around who offer both packaging and shipping services. They will make sure that your piccolo is securely packed and shipped to the desired destination.

However, here also, Piccolo Insurance is crucial. What if the shipping company fails to live up to its promises, and your piccolo is damaged or stolen? What if your consignment goes missing? Your home insurance policy will not protect you in such a pathetic condition. Therefore, a standalone music insurance policy is all you need.

Choose the right shipping company!

It is crucial to choose the right shipping company to ensure the safety of your equipment. As far as pricing is concerned, it is likely to vary from one service provider to the other. Therefore, shopping around until you get the best value is a good idea.

Get dedicated insurance for your piccolo!

Whether you are traveling with your gear or have shipped it for whatever reason, protecting it should be your top priority. And remember, even if you have added your musical instruments to your home insurance policy, the latter is very much unlikely to cover the former during shipping. Therefore, a dedicated policy is a must.

Are you a member of the NFA (National Flute Association)? If so, then you can buy an insurance plan from some of the noted insurance providers in your state. However, even if you are not an NFA member, there is no dearth of options.

Having a standalone insurance policy ensures that your musical instruments are safe while in transit. So, get in touch with a reliable insurance company operating in your state and guarantee the protection of your musical instruments no matter wherever you go along with those.

Why to Insure Piccolo Instrument with a Professional Insurance Company?

Whether you are the assistant principal in an orchestral setting or you play solo, piccolos add a lot of brilliance and sparkle to the overall music. So no wonder a piccolo is such a popular instrument. A member of the woodwinds family and also known as a half-size flute, piccolos are beautiful instruments and delicate too. If you own this woodwind, you probably do everything to ensure your gear is fit and fine and looks as gorgeous as ever. Right?

However, such instruments are sensitive and fragile. So these can get easily damaged if dropped or even kept with a thud. Now, you might wonder inside your head, “I have a case for my woodwind, and I handle my instrument carefully. So my darling gear is safe”. That’s true, but unfortunate turns come into life when you hardly expect them. Therefore, Piccolo Insurance is very imperative for you.

And, what is important here is – finding the right and professional insurance provider. Until and unless the provider is reliable, you cannot ensure yourself quality insurance products and sufficient cover against the eventualities.

Here we have put together some of the many pointers as to why insuring with a professional company is crucial. Let us take a quick look at them –

Insurance protection that covers you wherever you go!

As a musician, traveling to places in and around your country is a part of your work profile. Even if you have not started doing concerts in foreign countries, sooner or later you will. Isn’t it? What if-

  • You lose or damage your instrument on a world musical tour!
  • You caused a public liability abroad!
  • Your gear is stolen in a foreign land!

Needless to mention, if any such thing happens, it will be a huge financial setback for you.

Well, there is always a legal way to get along in such circumstances. However, you cannot wait for the proceedings to end to perform. Music earns you living, after all. Most importantly, you will have to pay on your own to take care of all the legal procedures. However, if you have a dedicated insurance from a reliable service provider, you are covered worldwide.

Insurance protection against all risks

A professional Piccolo Insurance provider provides you with comprehensive and customized coverage. Plus, they also offer protection against a range of circumstances, including – fire, flood, theft, hurricane, and rain, among others, that you are less likely to get otherwise.

Although some people do think that their home insurance is enough to cover their musical instruments, this misconception can land you in hot waters. Of course, your home insurance policy will cover your piccolo, provided you have listed your musical gears. But, the coverage is most likely to be limited and might not cover you under a range of scenarios.

Easy and quick claim settlement

A professional musical instrument insurance company understands musical gears and your requirements well, unlike your home insurance provider. Therefore, if you are to file a claim, the former will help you get through it effectively, while making sure that your claim settlement is quick and hassle-free. Also, with a good company, you are likely to get No Claim Bonus (NCB) for not making a claim in a given policy term.

Experience does matter

If you buy insurance for your piccolo from an insurance firm with years of experience in the industry, you are likely to get proper and practical assistance with choosing the right policy. An experienced company has seen and has been associated with different types of cases. Therefore, it can help you with the right solutions.

So, finally when you have decided to buy an insurance policy for your piccolo, seek professional insurance services only.

Piccolo Insurance Ensure Financial Security against Any Liabilities

Extraordinary piece of melody is out of this world – It can survive the harsh conditions of time and space!  But this postulate does not necessarily apply to the instruments which plays a crucial role in producing these soulful tunes.


We generally do not give much importance to the fact that these musical instruments require exclusive insurance coverage plans.  These plans are a kind of preparing oneself with a “financial shield” – It gives the crucial help when the time is against you.

Only musician knows the real “worth” of the instrument – Losing or damaging the instrument can have a really distressing impact on your finances and your emotions.  However, this situation can be prevented; if one have already bought insurance plan.

Instruments like Piccolo or Violin are really costly – One needs to put a great amount of hard earned money. And therefore, no matter whether you are a world renowned musician or an emerging artist; you require a customized piano or piccolo insurance to make sure that you are not at the receiving end of all the loss.

For a musician, moving in different corners of the planet for concerts and other musical programs is a just a normal thing. And this constant process of moving from place to place raises the safety concerns. Your mind is constantly gets preoccupied with the recurring thoughts like “What if the instrument gets stolen or damaged while moving from place to place?”

These thoughts can eventually result into a loss in the peace of mind and apparently leading into deteriorating performance.  However, when insured, you can successfully gain the much required peace of mind – Since, you are in a way sure that you will be monetarily secure against any kind loss of the instrument; therefore you can focus on producing the amazing melodies.

Once you come under the cover of insurance policy; you can at least be assured that you will get enough adequate assistance to handle with the situation with considerable ease.  It will assist you to buy a new instrument in place of broken or lost instrument – You will get enough money to even purchase a brand new instrument. You won’t have to give away a huge chuck of your savings.

This way, the things will be by and large under your control. As a matter of fact, there are so many such policies which are prepared as per specific requirements. It concentrates on special demands of the musicians and accordingly helps out to make the situation somewhat bearable.

In other words, gravity of problems will be not much!

For more information visit : http://www.musicinstrumentsins.com/musical-instrument-insurance/